Chapter 2: Travis meets The Kingdom

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The newest Superstar to the main roster, the American Nightmare Travis Sharp walked up to Bliss Kingdom and introduced himself.

Travis: so all of you are the rebellious faction known as Bliss Kingdom, right?

Lexi: yes, good to see you again, Travis

Travis: nice to see you, Lexi

The two exchanged hugs.

Lexi: Travis, allow me to introduce to you the members of Bliss Kingdom. First, the co-founders Finn Balor and Randy Orton

Travis: the Viper and the Demon King, it's an honor to meet you

Finn: nice to meet you, Travis

He shook hands with the American Nightmare.

Randy: I think we'll get along just fine

Travis: it's an honor to be in the presence of a legend like you

Travis said as he shook Randy's hand. Then the Pinoy Prince walked up to Travis.

Alex: I'm Alex Auditore, Lexi's boyfriend and Randy's protege

Travis: wait, you're trained by Randy?

Alex: that's right

Travis: and Lexi is your girlfriend?

Alex: yes sir

Travis: she's a keeper, man

Alex: that's why I love her

Lexi blushed as Alex kissed her temple. Then Travis turned to Chase, Josh and Xander.

Travis: you're the Beast slayer and Universal Champion, Chase Destiny

Chase: that's right my man, and unlike Brock, I show up and fight

Travis: yeah, Lesnar tarnished that title by not showing up

Josh: I'm Josh Stevens, mate; one half of the Raw Tag Team Champions with Finn

Travis: you two make a great team, nice to meet you, Josh

Xander: and you must know who I am

Travis: who wouldn't? You're the Legendary Wrestler himself, well known around the world, Xander Kross

Xander: no introduction needed then

Everyone laughed.

Seth: you may know me

Travis: who doesn't know the Man himself

Becky: excuse me Seth, but I'm the Man, you're the Kingslayer

Travis: I meant the Man Becky Lynch

Seth: you win this time, babe

Travis: whoa, babe? Are you two?

Becky: yup, Sethie is my boyfriend

Travis: wow!

Chase: Travis, I want you to meet my fiancee

Travis: who is she?

Charlotte: WOO!

Travis: the Queen?

Charlotte: you guess right

Travis: wow, and you're Ric Flair's daughter. I respect your father

Charlotte: thank you

Finn: Trav, are you a Baylor shipper?

Travis: yeah why? Wait, don't tell me!

Finn: meet my girlfriend!

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