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This is a previously published work that I am revising.

I began writing Losing Control over six years ago and I finished it during a difficult time in my life.  I got the idea for the story from a dream.  I have vivid dreams and sometimes they are the starting point for my stories.  I discovered Wattpad in 2016 and found it to be a great platform for sharing my work, but I didn't have a clue as to how Wattpad worked back then.  Since it was a completed story I went ahead posting it all in five parts, each part being about 20,000 words!  Talk about bulky as fuck to read in one posting.  I'm eternally grateful to the readers that were able to make it through all five parts without wanting to kill me.

I've decided to re-post it in more manageable pieces, while also cleaning it up a bit.  Without an editor my work will never be 100% correct, because I'm horrible when it comes to grammar.  I do appreciate constructive criticism, but please be nice about it.  I have been affectionately called the failed comma queen and I own that.

Once I have it all re-posted I will take down the other publication. By doing this I'm hoping to get inspired to continue book 2.

Happy reading my lovelies!

Losing ControlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang