6. Swan Dive

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So, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to run out of the house into the unknown with no kind of protection but I did it anyway

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So, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to run out of the house into the unknown with no kind of protection but I did it anyway.

Things were eerily calm for the moment but I knew it wouldn't last long.

I peek around checking all my surrounding. It wasn't
anything in sight but I could definitely see the after math of the ordeal. I stop and head around the back of some random building.

"CANDY!" my heart jumped out of my chest committing suicide. I tense up slowly turning around to see Brandon.

"What the fuck are you screaming for? And why are you here?" I huff crossing my arms; he chuckles shrugging his shoulders.

"Nobody else was going to help your dumb ass so, I decided I'm a man and I would" he boasts with a stupid ass grin to match his inflated ego.

I roll my eyes focusing my attention on the back door to the building I was trying to open- to my surprise, it opened right up.

We both cautiously enter trying to be a quiet as a mouse. We didn't know what the fuck we were up against.

"Look!" Brandon points to an axe and a fire extinguisher incased in a glass box on the wall.

"Okay, I get the axe and you get the extinguisher" I say immediately popping the box open.

"What the fuck I am going to do with a fire extinguisher?" he exclaims throwing a hissy fit.

I shrug my shoulder, "Be a man" I state continuing to check around.

We rampage through the small store hoping to find any suitable items for this trip.

"Find anything " I question coming up with nothing myself.

"A bag of coffee beans" he replies showing me the Maxwell brand.

I scoff "I hope you can turn that into a bomb" I head back out the door to Athena. She was just a neighborhood over so it really shouldn't be that

We pace down the road and just as I thought the shit could have been a practical prank... the sight confirmed it wasn't.

A cop car crashed into the entrance of the overwater bungalows blocking the entrance off... but the fire from the accident seems to attract those dead fuckers.

"What's the plan?" Brandon chirps as we stand still jaws agape like stone statues.

I survey the scene; it was five bodies, two of us, an axe, a fire extinguisher and a bag of ‪Maxwell House‬ coffee beans.

"We have to make a run for it and jump over the ledge into the water" I notion tying up my shoes.

"What?!?" Brandon shouts; I take off with the axe tight in my hands. Knees up to chest, I ran like my life was on the line... but I guess it
actually was. I jump, swan diving into the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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