Chapter 2: Home

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I trembled and shook as the cold surged through my body like lightening. I couldn't quite believe how tonight's events had taken place. My head was spinning way too fast and my body shivered uncontrollably as I sat in the large warm car.

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I thought back to what could've been my final moments, but then this strange man came along and stopped me. But why? I had nothing left to gain. He might have stopped me, but there was nothing left for me in this world. There was nothing to live for. No family and certainly no friends.

I stared out watching the rain as it fell against the glass windows of the car. I had no idea who the man was or where we were going, but a part of me felt safe being in his presence.

His hoodie was twice the size on me, yet I had never been so comfortable. The scent of his aftershave lingered on the soft material that surrounded me and made me want to steal his hoodie and never give it back.

Resting my head against the window I once again stared out into the dark night and listened to the gentle pitter patter of the raindrops against the glass. The sound was soothing and comforted my tired body. And before I could fight it, my eyes fell shut and I succumbed to the darkness.


It was a silent drive back to my house. I didn't want to bring her back as Lucy would ask questions and probably be pissed that I brought some random woman back to our home. But I couldn't leave her in this state of vulnerability. I would let her stay for one night, and then send her to some sort of professional help the day after.

"We've arrived"-

Switching the engine off, I turned to look at the broken girl expecting her to respond or be awake, but instead she was snuggled up against the window fast asleep.

Unbuckling my seat belt, I opened up my door and walked out to the rear passenger side door and opened it as quietly and carefully as I could.

As the door opened her head fell slightly as she had been resting it against the window. Her body slumped to the side, but I caught her with haste not letting her fall to the ground. Taking off her seat belt, I unravelled her out of it and swiftly scooped her up into my arms.

She whimpered as I carefully adjusted her in my arms to make her more comfortable. Pushing the door shut with my leg, I locked the car with the key in my hand and headed towards the house in which I knew I'd be scolded from the moment I got in.

Somehow I had managed to unlock the door with the girl still in my arms and shuffled myself inside carefully ensuring I didn't hit the girl's head on the door frame.

"What the hell".

Oh Jesus.

"Shhh, not now Lucy. I'll be down in a minute". I glanced at her briefly to see her hands on her hips and her shaking her head with an unimpressed facial expression.

"Get Maria to meet me upstairs Lucy".

Lucy huffed and stomped off mumbling something to herself in her usual moody voice.

Walking upstairs with the girl still fast asleep in my arms, I carefully manoeuvred myself through the small corridor and into the large warm spare room.

I laid her down on the large bed and felt her head.

Fuck, she's burning up.

Rushing to the en suite bathroom, I grabbed the first aid box from the cabinet under the sink and hurried back to the bedroom.

Placing the green box on the space next to her, I opened it up and started pulling out the appropriate medical equipment.

"You wanted to see me Dean?"

I turned around and met the loving eyes of Maria our housekeeper and friend standing by the door looking at me with a concerned expression.

"Yes, I need you to get this girl into some clean dry clothes. Please put her wet clothes in the wash and have them ready for tomorrow morning. Also I'm going to need you to just check her over and bring her temperature down. I would have done, but Lucy is pissed at me". Maria stared around me and looked at the girl laying soundlessly asleep on the bed.

"Of course. And yes Lucy certainly is. She was absolutely fine until you showed up with her".

"That's how it normally goes. It's a strange day when she's not pissed at me for something I supposedly did".

Maria patted my shoulder whilst looking down at the young girl.

"But seriously sweetheart, what happened to this poor girl?".

"I saw her on a bridge, ready to end her life. I couldn't leave her. I couldn't let her jump. So she's staying here for tonight and then tomorrow I will get her some professional help tomorrow".

Maria's eyes softened as she rested the back of her hand on the girl's head.

"She looks so broken. I wonder what she's been through to get to this stage in life. Poor angel. You were wise to bring her here. I will watch over her and let you know of her condition later as I'm sure you'll be going through enough stress dealing with Lucy.

"Don't remind me".

Maria chuckled and left to get some dry clean clothes for the girl. I just hoped she'd be okay through the night.

Swiftly leaving the room, I rubbed at my tired eyes ready for the earful I was about to get.

Trudging down the stairs, I was greeted with the main woman in my life who'd be expecting answers for me bringing home a random girl.

"I asked you to bring home a pizza, not a random girl".

"Dammit Lucy, I'm sorry okay". I brushed past her and headed into the kitchen slumping myself down on a nearby chair. Lucy followed after me and stomped her foot in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I was going to buy the pizza but I saw her on my way home. I promise I'll buy you pizza tomorrow". Lucy huffed as she opened up the fridge, pulled out an apple taking a huge bite out of it and sat down in the chair next to me.

"So who is this girl then? She looked sick. Oh my gosh, did you drug her? I knew my brother was a psycho, but this, this is messed up. I'm 11 and I have more morals than you".

"Really Lucy? Do you think I'd do something like that?".

Lucy rolled her eyes and continued eating her apple.

"Okay then, who is she then and why is she in our home?"

"She was about to take her own life. She was going to jump off a bridge but I stopped her. I want her to stay here because I was scared to leave her alone in this vulnerable state. She will go in the morning". Lucy made an O shape with her mouth and continued eating her apple, but now she ate in complete silence.

"So do you like her? I saw her wearing your hoodie" Lucy winked at me as she pushed herself off the chair that she was sitting on and strutted out of the room whilst humming a song that sounded suspiciously like love is in the air.

The sooner this girl leaves, the better.

I think some of you owe Lucy an apology ;)

Boss and his BabygirlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin