ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah! | sean x ♀️reader

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Warnings: Bad languages

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Ready for The Mosh Pit, Shaka Brah!
Requested by Anonymous

"Oh, man . . . It's fucking hot today," Lyla breathed out, as she ventilated herself with her fossil-grey sweater.
            "And the perfect weather to hit the skatepark!" boomed Eric eagerly, who slowly pushed himself on his skateboard. "I learned so many tricks on YouTube yesterday. Y'all are not ready."
            Lyla dropped her skateboard and slowly strolled on it along with Eric. "Yeah," Lyla chuckled sarcastically, "but let's see if you can actually do them."
            "He probably can't," Ellery sniggered jokingly.
            Eric stuck out his tongue at him.
            "But Sean can," Ellery continued, "right, Sean?"
            Sean was in a haze; his walking was alright, but his eyes' focus was lazy, and his head drooped upon his neck. He gave no answer, because he didn't notice Ellery's call.
            "Sean," Lyla called out.
            "Hm?" Sean quietly mumbled. His eyes were still on ground.
            "Earth to Sean!" Lyla exclaimed out.
            Sean shot his head up. "What!?"
            "There we go," Lyla said, satisfied.
            He dragged his legs as he stomped on the concrete sidewalk, and he was barely holding on to his skateboard. Damn, what was up with him today?
            "Sean, man, you good?" Ellery asked.
            Sean shrugged with an ambivalent look. "Dude, I don't know. . ." he said, a bit bewildered. "I've just been thinking lately."
            "About what?" Lyla asked.
            "About how everything is the fucking same," he remarked. By the used of his voice, you could tell he tried to make it sounded as non-cliché as possible.
            Sean took his eyes off the ground and looked beyond him: the same old towering buildings of downtown Seattle—the ones he'd usually passes through when he goes to the downtown skatepark. Every person Sean had walked pass so far consisted of the same energy, and that was extremely tedious. Can't people be a bit more exciting?
            "Same buildings, same fucking energy, same everything!" he said, slightly agitated.
            "Well welcome to Seattle," Eric said, as he slowed down his stroll.
            Sean looked above him, as he slowly sauntered forward with the group. The bright, azure sky gives him an omen of something great bound to happen: perhaps another refreshing beginning. Filled with cotton, the clouds were shaped like deformed hearts. Sean quietly laughed at his thoughts, for he even dared to think like a coming-to-age protagonist. He'd always thought his life genre was slice of life, but, whatever.

The moody boy tried his best to open the gas station's door without banging it on to the brick walls.
            After a fair game of rock, paper, scissors, Sean lost, and had to go buy drinks for the rest of the group; he was so sure he was going to win! He wanted to practice his skate tricks . . . not buy drinks.
           Oh fucking well, he thought, as he entered the gas station, time for myself is always great. He sarcastically smiled to himself and swayed his arm, the one that held his skateboard.
He walked to the frozen isle and noticed a girl in front of the drinks' fridge, so he decided to wait patiently. As he waited, his eyes unintentionally glanced at her hair; it was beautifully (h/l) that consisted of (h/c) strands.
Damn, her (hair type) hair is so . . . touchable? Sean hesitantly thought.
She quickly turned around which startled Sean a bit, so he flinched. Dude, what the fuck was that? he scolded himself.
Her (e/c) eyes met his brown eyes, and damn, were her's quite pretty.
Despite the few number of seconds, Sean seemed to noticed that her clothing style was a bit weird, but it intrigued him much. A band that Sean recognized was printed in the front of her black shirt, a studded leather jacket covered her arms, and her ripped, black skinny jeans was the perfect kind that any weird, hipster girl would die for. Her shoes, well, it was interesting—but in a cool way.
"Wow, you skate?" she suddenly asked.
Sean was startled at her sudden spark of conversation. "O-oh yeah . . . I do."
"That's so cool. Want to show me some tricks?" she said with a gentle smirk.
Her voice is so soothing. . . Reminds me of this singer from a rock band. . . Arg, what was it called again?
"Um w-what?" Sean asked, a bit confused at her request.
She laughed quietly with one hand over her mouth. "Dude, I was kidding. It's okay."
"N-no, I was just . . . taken aback. I'd love to show you some tricks," Sean said.
To be honest, he was feeling a bit shy. This girl was way bolder than Lyla when he first met her. . . And that says something.
Sean, he vexed with a sigh within him, just buy the drinks!
"Actually I'm here to buy my friends drinks. . . We're at the skatepark right now."
She scooted away from the fridge with a smile. "Sorry, didn't mean to be in the way."
"It's no problem," Sean chuckled and opened the fridge. He awkwardly grabbed three cans of sodas, and was a bit afraid of what she was going to say next. By now, he could probably assumed that she's definitely not shy.
"Do you mind if I tag along?"
           I swear, her voice, dude . . . so soothing.
A part of Sean was slightly happy. He'd just met this girl, but he was already so excited to know more about her. Again, maybe it's the clothes.
"Sure. . !" Sean said, trying to sound not as happy as he was inside. "But haven't we just . . . um, met?" he awkwardly chuckled.
"And?" she asked with a broad smile. "Who cares if we just met?" She winked at Sean and followed it with a laugh.
"It's just that . . ." Sean couldn't find the right words, so he just shook his head and laughed. "Never—never mind. You're cool."
"Just cool?"
"Uhh. . ."
"Kidding again."
"Oh—um, haha?" he tried to sound as polite as possible. He didn't meant it as rude, anyway.
She bursted out laughing. "You're fucking cute. I can't wait to know more about you," she said, unbothered by her words.
Sean swore he felt his cheeks a bit red—which doesn't happen often. How was this girl making him feel this way in just the span of three minutes?
"I'm (Y/n). I'm new to Seattle," she introduced herself with her hand out. She noticed that both of Sean's hands were occupied, so she dropped her hand back down to her side.
            Both of them laughed.
"Sean," he said. "Welcome to Seattle. You'll definitely make this city more interesting," he half-joked.
"Huh," (Y/n) said and rubbed her chin. "I'll definitely color your perspective, dude."
Okay, Sean thought with a smile, she's something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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