freakin' fighters | sean x ♀️reader

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A/n: At first this oneshot had music to go with it, but I kind of disliked the way it turned out, so I removed it.

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Freakin' Fighters


The morning weather was cool, and the morning breezes were refreshing like early April should be. (Y/n) (L/n), a member of a friend group called the Freakin' Fighters, stood in silent near the bus stop, as she waited for two of her friends: Sean and Lyla, who were also part of the Freakin' Fighters, and lived in the same neighborhood as her. They planned to stroll around the ocean in Adam's truck after school; it was Sean's idea, which was unusually of him to recommend.

The sudden memory about the play date after school made (Y/n) smiled to herself. She still couldn't believe that she found such a good group of peers that supported and included her in. She thought her first year of high school was going to flunk, and seniors was going to hate her like rumored, but she guessed she was too dramatic and gullible.

The sun was still covered by clouds, and only little light emitted from the pale sky. The dead grass that will soon recolored its' self to green, rested on the ground, while little flakes of snow lie on top of it. (Y/n) tapped her feet on the concrete sidewalk, as she continued to wait for the bus and her friends. She hummed a tune and bobbed her body to the beat in her head.
"You're humming to 'On The Flip Of A Coin'?" she heard.
She immediately knew who it was. Her heart did one of those sappy things where it skipped a beat when she saw his face. Sean stood there with his charming smile and his calm brown eyes. He didn't wear his maroon beanie that morning, which made him looked kinda incomplete, but (Y/n) still liked the way he dressed either way.
"Morning," she said with a semi-smile.
"You said that you didn't like that song?" Sean teased. He bent down his back to look at her face, but his knees were not bent.
"Well I changed my mind, punk," she embarrassedly said with a more cheerful tone. She gently pushed his face away.
"You sure you won't get in trouble after school today?" he asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets, and faced (Y/n).
"I lied to them," she murmured, indicating her parents.
"Well guess who's the punk now," he chuckled. "I'm kidding. I'm glad you could go."
(Y/n) wondered if he meant it as a romantic or friendship thing. He was sometimes complicated to analyze in the inside, and (Y/n) thought for sure he liked Lyla after a few days (Y/n) joined the Freakin' Fighters. It was just a theory, though.
"Really?" she mischievously asked, as she poked him with her elbow, her eyebrows raised.
"Creepy," he joked, and placed his finger on her forehead, scooting her away.
"Hey lovebirds!" exclaimed Lyla's voice from a distance. Her tone was awfully cheerful. She was probably excited for after school, and so was (Y/n)—and everybody else.
"We're not lovebirds," declared (Y/n) with a small smile. She got ready for a hug that Lyla always gives her in the early mornings.
"Definitely lovebirds," Lyla sniggered. She rested her body on (Y/n) for the hug.
You know what I heard?" Sean rhetorically asked. Lyla and (Y/n) parted from their hug. "(Y/n) hummed to 'On The Flip Of A Coin.' It's stuck in her head, thanks to me," he said with a smug face.
"Of course. Anything related to you is probably stuck in her head," Lyla snickered, and elbowed (Y/n) gently on the arms.
"Don't make it sound like I like Sean." (Y/n) made the effort to sound serene. Well, she does like Sean. Like a lot. She was just not ready to confessed it yet.
"Everyone knows you like each other," Lyla exaggerated. "One of you just have to ask the other one out," she said with a proud aura of the tile 'Lyla the Love Witch.' She eyed Sean and raised her eyebrows up.
Sean rolled his eyes and bad-eyed Lyla.

oneshots | sean diaz x readerWhere stories live. Discover now