James: I have pest spray but you might be to big of a pest.

Jess: James open the damn door I'm not mad I'm just proud that you actually had the balls to do that to them.

I opened the door and Jess walked in.

Jess: they don't know  your here do they.

James: hope not.

Jess: so how about we get started~

James: ok sure but before that.

*Injects tranquilizer in her neck*

James: goodnight.

Jess:*passes out*

I lay her on the bed and I pull out a permanent sharpie and.

James: *draws dick on forehead*I know I'm going to die but it's worth it.

As I run out the motel I see a Wendy's.

James: yes~

When I go in to the Wendy's I order  10 6 piece chicken nuggets 3 number 1's and 1 chocolate and one vanilla frosty as I got my food I see come on the Wendy's.

Jackie: I still think that we should of brought duck tape.

Nat: no I don't think so.

We then see each other.

James:(nervous) oh hey how's it going.

Just then.

Cashier: sir you food is ready.

I then grabbed my food and  sit down they ordered there food I waited they then sat down.

Nat: are you really going to eat all that?

James: yes it may not fill me up though.

Jackie: James you know your going to be punished when you get home right.

James: sigh look Tony can kiss my ass I'm 16 and I can take care of myself.

Nat: oh is my baby mad.

James:*light blush*

Jackie:James slenda is mad too.

James: uhh I'm done.

Starts to leave but.

Jackie: oh your not going anywhere.

James: but I have to get home.

Nat: don't worry we told tony that you are staying a little bit at our house.

James: no please.

Nat: you can come willingly or we could make a scene.

James: you win.

Time skip walking in woods.

James: so how's the emo clown.

Jackie: you know she hates that.

James: yes I do.

Nat: so your just going to keep calling her that.

James: yep.

We then get to the mansion and I see a very pissed off slenda.

Slenda: James.

James: so how was your day.

Slenda: oh no your not getting out of this one that Easley.

She then summoned her tentacles.

James: what are you going to do with those?

Slenda: punishment.

James:*whining*but I don't like tentacle porn.

Slenda: to bad.

Her tentacles then flew at me I Easley dodged.

Slenda: oh so your good at dodging.

James: yeah I'm good at pulling out before I get in to trouble.

Nat: really you made that joke.

James: yep.

I then run at slenda  and dodged more tentacles and jumped behind her and did.

James:*whispers* if you're a good girl I might give you a treat later.

I then.

James:*smacks ass*

I then run in to the woods.

Slenda: Lord he's a tease.

Just then Jess came out of the woods.

Nat: hey Jess *See's dick on forehead*


Jess: what the hell is so funny!

Nat:*wiping away tear* go look in the mirror.

One minute later

Jess: JAMESSSSSS!!!!!!

As I was walking in the woods I feel my spidy-sense.

James: did she really just find out about it?

Time skip 2 hours.

I then feel my spidy-sense again so dodged a big ass hammer that crashed in to a tree.

James:(Thor no his is smaller.)

???:oh quick on your feet this will be fun.

I then turned around and I saw something that all men fear it was a very mad girl.

Author: ha!

female creepypastas x Spider-Man OcNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ