Group Chat

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Big Bro: What happened now?


Bestie: STFU CHRIS, Anyway so this bitch comes into my fucking DM's on Instagram saying how she wanted to talk and i was like you got fucking 5 seconds bitch and she was making it seem like she was the victim that Chance had forced her into all of this and she didn't mean it and that she knows that Lola won't believe her and she wanted me to know so we could stay friends and shit and then that bitch then goes on her finsta in which she forgot that i followed and posted a picture with a comment, "Ms. Steal your man" and i was like FUCK YOU BITCH and blocked her

Erick: What a bitch tbh

Zabdaddy: She is honestly such an attention seeking whore

JJ: But where's Lola, i haven't herd from her in a while and i wanna know if she's fine

Lola: I'm here


Grande: Chiquita how are you, are you ok?

Lola: I guess,but not really

Erick: It's understandable, you lost both a friend and a boyfriend

JJ: I would honestly murder that guy for what he did, i don't care if he's bigger than me i'll kill the guy

Bestie: You get Chance and i'll get the bitch

Zabdaddy: And i'll bring the popcorn

Big Bro: Really guys? At least let me get a few licks in for Chance

Lola: Guys please don't alright, this is already painful enough to experience for then you guys to get hurt

JJ: But you are worth it though, you didn't deserve any of this

Grande: Joel is telling the truth Chiq, they were dicks to do that to you because all you did was put trust in them and they broke it with one simple thing

Lola: I loved both of them with all my heart. I fucking dated that man for a year, a whole year of smiling, of good times, of always being there for each other, of new opportunities, i even had an amazing bond with his daughter who i saw as someone very important in my life, i was shit deep in love with that man. And then i fucking make a friendship with Ashley for the past 2 years and i counted her as a really close friend and i have trust issues at times especially with friends and i thought she was my friend but now i know that Allie is my only true best friend and i will only count her other than of course you guys but you guys are boys so yea. But as for Chance, after what he did idk if i can ever really find an amazing guy tbh

Zabdaddy: Pero nina you no where need them in your life, they are just fuck ups honestly who don't know what they want in there life and for then him to bring a kid in perspective thats just worse

Erick: You got us L, fuck them two. Brooklyn on the other hand can come and visit if she ever wanted to i mean all you really need is Emma's permission

Joel: Exactly. Listen Lo, you should not doubt yourself or make it seem like this was all your fault, you didnt deserve any of this and none of it was your fault for you were just being kind and opening to these people and look what they did to you. They are the ones in the wrong here not you. I don't know why they did it but it doesn't over throw the pain and the time they took away from you. And for ever finding a guy who would treat you right, well mama, that comes with time and realization and i believe sooner or later you will find the guy meant for you for you are a good person and the world works in wonder

Grande: Dam Joel pero tu si eres algo

Big bro: What Joel said, you deserve a lot of good things in life, they were complete dicks and if i ever see that guy i will murder him

Lola: Thanks guys, i don't know what i would do without any of you guys

Grande: Mostly me right?

Joel: Nah it's me man

Bestie: Both of you shut up, she clearlyyyyy loves me more

Lola: I love you all equally

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