Happy Frikkin' Birthday - A Kat Trimble story

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Happy Birthday

I lay in the alley as good as dead in terrible pain. The man left about a day ago saying something along the lines of: “If you survive this you are one lucky sob. I had made my way away from the place it happened in the last few days and now I waited for deaths arms to carry me away from this pain. But they did not come. I was left to stew in my own juices – well mainly blood really. Finally I felt the bliss of sleep come over me hoping, praying that some one, anyone would take me away from here.

I woke with a soft aching in my body. If I hadn't been through the last few days I would have at least complained about being stiff but knowing what pain really is I will never – okay, let's be honest. I will not for next few weeks, months tops – complain about minor injuries.

I scrambled to my feet and looked around. I was surprisingly close to a main road. Had no one seen me? Heard me? Or had they just walked past me saying to themselves they didn't see me. I made my way slowly but surely towards the house I lived in. Jonathan would be worried sick by now. I wondered if Mr. and Mrs. Smith cared more than just being sad for Jonny.

It was farther than I'd thought it would be and my muscles screamed after being tensed in pain for so long. There it was the house we had lived in for more years than I cared to count. I walked up to the door and felt in my pockets. The car keys. Shit the car was still at the party. Double Shit how did Jonathan get home? I hoped he was okay. He couldn't be much worse off than I was, even death would have been better than the days of pain I just lived through.

I unlocked the door. The hall was empty but there were voices coming from the kitchen. I stayed at the door listening to see – or rather hear – if Jonathan was in there too. Strange, I could make out what the voices were saying from by the front door. I usually had to walk at least three quarters up the hallway to be able to hear what was going on in the kitchen.

“I don't understand how you can plan a birthday party while Kat is still missing.” That was Jonathan's voice.

“Kathy's only been away for a week. She has done this kind of thing before, She'll be fine.” Mrs. Smith sounded irritated as if she had repeated this over and over again.

“Never without telling me! Or at least leaving me a note.” Jonathan pleaded.

“I think she just wants attention. She has always been a difficult child.” Mr. Smith's voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I never really liked that guy.

“She says you never listen to her. She says...” Jonathan started but Mr Smith cut him off.

“I don't really care what she says, she is difficult and stubborn and rude. The number of times I've had to pick her up from the police station! She is just a trouble maker. Nothing good will come from her if she continues like this.” His tone made a heat bubble inside me while his words dragged knives through my very soul.

“I think it's just a cry for help.” Jonathan said raising his voice. I chose this time to slam the door shut. Mr Smith sighed saying: “There you'll have her. Little...” I'm glad I didn't catch the last few words.

“Kat Where have you been? I was so worried! Why didn't you tell me you were going away for awhile?” Jonathan said flinging himself around my neck.

“I was..” I started not sure what to tell him.

“How dare you just leave your brother at that party! If you were going off you could at least made sure Jonathan was home safe.” Mrs. Smith said in a stern tone.

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