1: Oh why, why?

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"Kou-chan, what do you plan on bringing for our school trip tomorrow?" Megumi asked as the two of them walk towards the train station.

Kou pondered for a while before tapping her fist on her palm.

"A lot of things. I mean the school trip lasts for a week. Let's go all out and enjoy". Kou replied enthusiastically as she skipped ahead.

"Are you going to bring your PfP console?"

"Of course! How could I forget this?" She exclaimed before rubbing her cheeks on the gaming material on her hands.

"Well, let's go home early to prepare for the trip tomorrow." Megumi said as they boarded the crowded train. The said girl continued to speak. Talking about her crushes that seemed unrequited. Kou just listened. Commenting here and there and making fun of her best friend's love life.

"Do not oversleep, okay? I'll see you tomorrow!" Megumi bid farewell after they went off the train. Both of them separating ways and walking towards the direction of their houses.

Kou plugged her earphones and listened to the music as she walked on a straight path. Not too long after, she reach her house.

"I'm home!" She yelled, removing her shoes and putting them neatly on the rack positioned on the side.

Fast footsteps approached and a small kid suddenly jumped at her, making her let out a startled shout before managing to balance herself to not let the child on her arms fall with her.

"Geez, how many times have I told you not to suddenly jump at me?" Kou deadpanned as she adjusted the child on her arms.

The little boy only giggled before circling his small arms around her neck, nuzzling his face with hers.

"Welcome home, nee-chan".

She smiled at her younger brother for acting all cute towards her.

"I'm back, Gou".

Pecking his cheek affectionately, Kou made her way towards the living room. Seeing both her parents engrossed on the movie that is playing on the television. Her father was the first to notice her presence.

"Oh, welcome back Kou. How's school?" He asked with a wide smile.

Putting down her younger brother, who immediately ran towards their mom, Kou returned her father's smile before answering. "It's normal, as always".

"Well, everything is always normal for sis". Another of her younger brother deadpanned. She could only roll her eyes at his comment.

"Shut it, Ryou".

"Kou, can you help me prepare dinner for later after you pack your things?" Her mother asked, tilting her head towards her direction. "I'll be preparing your favorites for tomorrow's packed lunch".

"Sure. Let me just do my things". The teenager nodded before going up to her room.

This is Kou's family and her life.

She lived a simple yet happy life. Not something full of drama and heartbreaks. But she could feel that something is lacking, though she could not pinpoint what it is. Kou feels as though something is missing in her life and she wanted to find out what it is.

Love life?


She was too busy with her many husbandos to be bothered with real life romance. Not to mention, she hadn't experienced it either. Though she could say that she have crushes, it didn't last long.

After her noisy dinner with her family, Kou went back to her room to take a shower before laying down on her bed. Tomorrow is her school trip and she was already finished packing everything inside her big backpack with the help of her younger brother. How she managed to pack everything she needed within that bag is a mystery to Ryou.

Switching off the light, Kou laid down on her bed, staring at the very familiar ceiling. She didn't know if it was just her imagination but mysteriously, her eyesight started to turn hazy and blurry. As if everything in her sight is being sucked in to something.

Kou blinked her eyes before lightly rubbing it. After doing so, her eyesight was back to normal.

"I must be tired". She mumbled before getting into a more comfortable position and drifting off to sleep.


"Have you got everything you needed?" Her mother asked as she handed her packed lunch.

"Yeah. I got them, as well as few snacks". With a nod, Kou spoke as her mother's eyes trailed towards her backpack. Wondering the same thing as Ryou did last night.

"Be careful on your way, okay?" Patting her head, her mother gave her a light peck on her cheek.

"Enjoy your time in there". Her father spoke from behind her mother, leaning on the door frame as he crossed his arms.

"I will. Then, I'll get going". With a smile, Kou turned around to leave the house.

Kou met with Megumi at the train station. The girl has been waiting for her for five minutes already.

"Geez, I told you we have to be here at exactly 7 a.m". The girl whined as they boarded the train.

"My bad. I got distracted on the way". She apologized.

After a short ride, they still needed to walk for 10 minutes before reaching the school ground. Both of them were about to cross the pedestrian lane, just waiting for the light to turn green. As usual, Megumi is the one who talks the most. And surely, she was also surprised at Kou's lack of baggage for a week long trip.

The light finally turned green and the people who are waiting to cross started to walk towards the other side. Unfortunately, before she could even cross, Kou's phone fell out of her pocket. And because of the people walking, she had a hard time getting her phone back.

And that's where Kou noticed something strange.

The same thing as last night happened again. Her vision becoming hazy and blurry. Her head becoming a little dizzy. But she didn't mind it and just proceeded to take her phone from the ground.

Megumi was already at the other side of the road when she looked back and saw that her friend is picking up her phone from the ground.

"That careless woman..." she pouted while waiting for her friend to cross the road. Just as her friend is walking, Megumi's brown eyes went to the traffic light and was startled to see that the red light is on. She immediately snapped her head back to Kou who is now walking.

"Kou! Get back on the side! The red light is on!" Shouted Megumi in panic after seeing a big truck coming, behind it are a bunch of police cars.

The moment she heard Megumi's voice, the same dizzy feeling came back to her and her vision became hazy once more. Her body stood rooted on the ground and can't seem to even take one more step forward. All she could hear was Megumi's panicked shouts from the other side of the road, the gasps of other people and a loud screeching sound.

Before everything turned black, she caught sight of what was approaching her. 

"Ah, Truck-kun..."



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