Wrong Feelings

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What was wrong with him?
Yunho looked at the girl in front of him.
Where did it go?
Where did the feelings he once had for this girl go?
Where were the butterflies and shivers he always used to feel around her?
There was nothing. Yunho just couldn't explain it.

The girl in front of him was his girlfriend. They had been dating for three years now and Yunho was happy.
He loved her at least that's what he did two months ago. Now he didn't know anymore.
Something had changed.
Did his feelings change because she had changed? No, that wasn't it.
The truth was, it was him.
He had changed, his feelings had changed. It took him two months to realize it. It was still hard to believe for him, but he now saw that there was no point of denying it anymore.

Two months ago he moved into the dorm of his band, where he lived with his other seven members. From that day he was around them everyday.
He enjoyed it.
He loved living with all of them but he soon started to notice something. A strange feeling, especially around one of his members. He found himself staring at this certain member, stuttering and blushing madly.
It confused him, what was all of this about?
The other member was just his friend so why did he act like that around him?
It took him two months, two months to accept it. He had developed feelings for his bandmate.

In the beginning he tried to convince himself that it wasn't anything like that. How could he - a boy - suddenly have feelings for another boy? Yunho had a girlfriend he loved, so why should he now develop feelings for someone else?

But in the end he had to admit that it happened, he really did develop feelings for none other than Mingi.

As he accepted this, Yunho started to avoid Mingi.
Maybe if he stayed away from him, his feelings would go away and the feelings for his girlfriend would comeback again.
But love doesn't work like that. He still loved Mingi.
Avoiding him made it even worse. Whenever he didn't see him he started to miss his smile, his laugh, just everything Yunho adored so much about him. If he avoided him, he started to miss him so badly.
He lost his heart to Mingi, even though it was wrong, even though his heart should have been with his girlfriend.

And because of this mess, this mess of feelings Yunho had to endure the last days and weeks, he was standing there looking at his girlfriend with troubled eyes.

„Why did you want to talk to me?" she asked with a smile.

Was this the last smile he would see from her? Would he turn this smile into tears now?
Yunho wasn't ready to see her cry and he definitely wasn't ready to tell her about everything that troubled him but he had to.
She deserved to know. She deserved to find someone who'll really love her because it wasn't him anymore.

„T-There's something I wanted to tell you for some time now..."

He took a deep breath, preparing as best as he could, forming the words already in his head.

„What is it? You know you can tell me anything that's bothering you."

How much did he wish it was that easy.

„Let's stop here..."

The girl looked at him confused. He cursed himself, why couldn't he just get it out clearly. Of course she wouldn't understand „Let's stop here".

„Let's stop what? Oppa, just tell me what's wrong." she laughed trying to pat his head but he took her arm before she could.

Her playful confusion now turned into a worried confusion. „Yunho?"
Another deep breath, then he looked at her straight in the eyes.

„What I meant was, we should stop dating." He said in a raspy stumbling voice.

Her eyes became watery and soon tears began to fall.

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