Chapter 3: Fighting

Start from the beginning

"So you guys know how Pepper and I have been looking to adopt a kid recently, right?" He asked and looked around the room, satisfied when he was met with a chorus of nods and small 'yeah's. Except for Clint who, still having his mouth filled with pop tarts, gave a muffled 'What? No? Since when?' Although Scott only shushed him.

"And you know how I left early today, right?" He said and half glared at archer who this time nodded his head, with a very confused look on his face while literally, anyone else looked at Tony with a mixture of shock and hope? Especially Natasha for some reason.

"Wellllll.... we went out and adopted a kid!" Tony excitedly chuckled, only to get a little uneasy after the room went dead silent. He was about to clear his throat to stop the uncomfortable silence when an uproar of 'WHAT??'s filled the room. It was almost deafening, Thor being the loudest, before a string of questions from each Avenger was flung at the Stark. It was overwhelming, to say the least, although his savior was arriving with a stern ass tone.

"AHEM!" Natasha cleared her throat loud enough for everyone to go quiet, mostly out of fear, as she pushed her way through the crowd.

"Is it a boy or a girl? What's their name, and how old are they?" She calmly asked when she was standing right in front of Tony, smirking slightly at the relived glint in his eyes.

"Well its a boy, his name is Peter and he's fifteen years old." The man replied with matching tranquility to that of the assassin in front of him.

The room was quiet again, nobody really knew what to say, or had the courage to for that matter. Except for Thor.

"Show me the son of Stark this instant!" He demanded, which then made everyone in the room roll over in laughter and it took a good few minutes for everyone to calm down again.

"Relax Thor, the kids sleeping." Tony wheezed between getting air and laughing his ass off. After it seemed like everyone had settled down again Tony started again, "Although I will tell you all some things about him that I learned at the orphanage. First, then his full name is Peter Benjamin Parker, and he has had a super rough life. His parents died in a plane crash where he then went on to live with his aunt and uncle. His uncle was murdered shortly after though which only left him and his aunt. Although when he was 12 his aunt lost custody after going bankrupt and was put in an orphanage. His aunt was found dead shortly after, taking her own life from grief."

Tony thought back to earlier in the day when Peter had told him and Pepper everything. It had kind of scared the man how nonchalantly the teen had been talking about such a heavy topic, especially after being in the gross household. He remembered back to the small hint of sadness that had appeared in the kid's eyes while he was talking, and how easily he had shaken it away and continued on to another topic. Tony shuddered as he moved on with his story.

"But other than that then he's a bright kid! He loves science and is one of the smartest in his school. He's super chatty and excited about quite possibly everything!" He said like a proud father. Which he was, but the realization still hadn't quite kicked in yet. It gained a round of chuckles from the other people in the room so Tony was happy.

"Well I can't wait to meet him," Natasha said with a voice so calm that almost everyone, except for Thor, Tony, Pepper, and Bruce, turned their heads and gave her a look of shock like never before. The Natasha Romanoff was practically whispering in a voice they had never heard before, except for  Bruce who had heard the voice every time Natasha needed him to calm down and not go hulking around. 

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