part 1

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When your dream come true, at that moment you are most happiest person in the world right. But when we are dreaming we forgot that we have a destiny also, which can change our dream up and down.

Everyone dream about their life, and marraige is the most beautiful phases of the life every girl dreamed. Choosing their life partner,  their likes dislikes,  their matching etc......  are most important things in this phase.

Same like avni, she also had a wish, she also had a dream about her marriage, before also she has kept all the dream in her heart, with herself,  and even in the future have to keep that with herself. This is her current situation.

Avni's face written with shocked expression. She looked at the people who all were standing infront of her with shattered heart. She turned to her dad, thats it, aashish is already looking at her " have mercy on me look"

She came infront of aashish

"Dad" she whispered

Aashish look at her helplessly and

" have mercy on me superstar...... your dad is asking superstar's help, our reputation is in your hand beta, today your dad need you avni,  he asked with a broken voice.

"What" its also came a mera whispered from avni

Avni couldnt even think what is her dad is doing. She never saw him like this,  she couldn't even a utter a word, a single word.

Neela and dayawanthi came towards avni, daya hold avni's hand

She immediately came from her unstable shock state and look her dadi

"You are only our hope avni, you can only save us from humiliation, only you can save mehta's and khanna's reputation, she said pleadingly."

Aashish fell on his knees and cry miserably, avni rushed to her dad, whatever she couldn't see her pride like this, ever mean, mean it. Still she couldn't  believed, what all said, she felt sudden pain in her heart seeing her beloved once in this state.

"Dad what are you doing.. dont be like this, i cannot see you like this dad" said avni keeping her hand on his shoulder.

Avni make him stand and kept her hand on his and he looked his daughter.

" dad your superstar is always with you no matter what happen,  i will never let you down dad, i am ready to do what ever you will say" said avni emotionless still obediently.

Khanna family's lips turn in to small smile in relief.

Aashish was looking at her with proud. Avni his superstar, his pride how ever her dad is her pride. He placed his hand on her head and patted and kissed her forehead with love.

All wiped their tears and looking at avni with so much love. Among these swetha is happiest person because she didn't like riya at first sight. She did like her before, but when all family members announced riya and neil marriage from that time she badly want avni to be her bahu, but now her wish got filled.

Neela came near her daughter and wiped avni's tears. She placed her hand on her cheek with affection and love. Swetha and neela took her to room make her got ready as a bride. She just moved with them like a robot.

Neil's pov

In all these while neil is not less then a statue. He didnt blink his eyes, his breath was on hold from when this drama started, yes for him it was like a drama, how will he accept the reality, he is going to marry his sister-in-law, how on the earth someone do like this but he is going to do this, not according to his wish but according to their family's wish, what damn things happening in his life, one daughter threw like a tissue and other daughter going to accept him, did they think he is toy, and his family they didnt think about his feelings, they didnt even ask a word is he ready to accept his sister-in-law as his wife,  no, no one ask, even bebe, he knows bebe also shattered but he is have to live in this unwanted relationship. He was in pool of thought, he came out when his dad keep hand on his shoulder, my dad sign me something, i followed his gaze, there is coming my sister-in-law ops sorry going to be my bride, so according to them i am going to start my unwanted relationship. I did all the rituals  what real groom will do on mandap but unknowingly and uninterestly.

Avni's pov

Life is a role coaster. Few hours ago we all are happy, my Riya di's wedding, all happy with this alliance even they both, then suddenly what happened to riya di and finally what happened to me, few minutes ago me avni mehta and now mrs avni neil khanna, wow very simply she married to her sister's fiance. She married a man whom my sister liked, now who end up to this.

How will be she happy with her marriage life, when everything was someone else. ......

The dress she wear,
The room where she stands now..
And this bed and those decoration....
This house where she is going to live her rest of life...
The in-low.....
And now her so called husband.....
   Its all for riya, her sister, not for her, how can she climb rights on these, how... because all for her di, then she, her parents abandon her, now she is all alone,  she surely knows she is not the person for his love, why love, even care, she doesn't have any doubt regarding this. Now she has to live in this someone else's life,
Avni sadly smiled at her fate...

Pov end

Kindly ignore grammar and spelling mistakes.

May be you all have a doubt regarding this story or plot, feel free to ask anything... will reply.

Much love ❤.

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