"Where am I?"

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People die in many different ways, some people die for no reason while others die from illnesses or murder and may maybe suicide. You're probably asking, why did I begin with a beginning like this? Well, it's because I'm going to tell you my story, and this story is not about my life but, my "afterlife"...

November, 18, 12 pm

I was found dead. I saw a guy with blond hair break into my room, he was so strong, so he chocked me to death...

But, then I woke up again... "Where am I?" I said. I stood up and found myself at the graveyard, there were white people everywhere.

I looked at my feet, There! I saw my dad and my 5 eldest siblings crying...

They suddenly I heard someone scream my name "JORDAN! JORDAN!" This voice...sounds so familiar.

I turned around, seeing my mom! "M- mom?" I was so happy that I started crying (😢), she hugged me, so did I.

I had many questions to ask, but she asked me first "Why are you here?!" She asked. I told her my questions. "Where am I?, why am I here? And, why can't I touch dad?" I asked.

"Jordan, honey don't panic! I'll tell you everything." My mother said. She said that I am a soul that's why I can't my dad cause he's a human being, I'm basically considered a 'ghost' to them, she told me that I can explore the place but, not go so far...

I looked around and honestly, I went a bit far till I reached a forest I saw a black girl "A black soul!?!" I said the girl looked at me "You're not supposed to be here..." she said, "Why are you black?" I say "It's nothing important..." she replied, 'My mom didn't tell me about this' I thought, "So what's your name???" I said 'He seems nice' the girl thought. "I'm Alex." she said "Jordan," I replied, "Why are you a black soul????" I ask again, "You need to go home..." Alex said to me "OH! RIGHT!" I reply.

When I came back, my mom was upset. "WHERE WERE YOU???" she screamed, I didn't tell her but instead I asked, "Why didn't you tell me about the black souls????" "I was going to tell you..." she said sadly, I apologized to my mom and hugged her (🙃🙂)... "I miss your warm hugs," I say and mom smiled, "It's okay im here now".

Somedays I went to visit Alex, I wanted to to know more about her, while the other days I used to visit my dad and sibling. ill that day my mom found out that I was visiting a black soul (Alex)... She called me once and told me "Jordan sweetie, do you know how risky it is to see a black soul?!! If her parents found out they might kill you!" I asked, "How can they kill me when I'm ready dead??" she didn't answer me... I went back to the forest I saw Alex again she grabbed my hand and took me to a place this place had a really nice view from there we can see the whole city there she told me "Look Jordan we've been friends for so long and I think it's time to tell you why I am a black soul... I was an innocent child. Ever since I was young I was always bullied by those mean girls, I tried everything to make them like me, I was going crazy!!!! until I gave up trying then I came begging them. I wanted them to stop bullying me and like me so they made a deal with me and I accepted it without thinking, the deal was killing my parents while they're asleep I felt so bad but I had to, and I did it! after they were dead I was broke and my bullies still bullied me so I killed them as well. And every time I feel broke I kill innocent people till I got arrested after I went to jail... I was going crazy, everybody was afraid of me... I had NO friends, NO family, NO nothing. so I committed suicide... And here I am, talking to you." She said.

"Woah...that's a rough past..." "I want to ask you something," I say

"Hm???" Alex said, "If your parents found out that you're seeing a white soul, will they kill me??" I asked "Maybe" she replied, "Okay, I have to go now, see you tomorrow!!" I said, "Bey, see you..." Alex sighed.




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anyways, thank you for reading this

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