Present day

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You were in a ally way. It was very cold you tried to warm yourself up by snuggling with your cloak but it didn't work. The one thing that you still had from your parents was your dads cloak. It had the power to change size and turn invisible. After awhile you here'd voices a male and a female and a... cat well you could see that they where coming closer. They kept walking but then the male triped over you you tried and failed not to yelp but it came out.
"What the!?" Said the pink haired male.
"Natsu are you ok!?"
Natsu... I recognize that name...
"Wait Natsu...?"
"Ya who are you?" Natsu said tilting his head
"And why couldn't I see you!?"
"It's (y/n).." Natsu paused then tired up
"(Y/n)!!!!!" Natsu yelled and put you in a bone crushing hug
"I missed you so much buddy I thought you where dead!!!" Natsu Said now crying but still happy
"Heheh ya I escaped and made my whey here"
"After losing you then Ignee-"
"Wait what happened to igneel?"
"He just disappeared"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Hey natsu who is that?" Said the blond with jealousy in her tone
"This is (y/n) he used to to my best friend but he got kidnaped when we where young"
"oh well we need to go good bye" she Said madly
"What no I just got him back he's coming to!"

Childhood friends (Natsu x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now