Chapter 2

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It didn't matter how much I kicked the bag today, I was still really pissed off. I tried, I really tried, I tried so freaking hard to burn all the rage out of myself before I had to get to work but I just didn't have enough time. I connected my phone and replayed my favourite Judas Priest song on repeat as I navigated the freeway towards the garage. Nothing worked. I parked my ute and slammed the door before heading inside. I took a deep breath at the entryway, lest poor Bodhi cop the full force of my inability to get my emotions under control as I clocked in on shift.

"Hey Ezra, work up a good sweat?"

I couldn't even reply to his polite greeting, my guts were churning, and my vision was red, I managed a grunt.

"One of these days you're gonna have to get over that bitch."

I glared at him as I took the keys he was handing to me. I clenched my fist around the metal pieces, making sure they dug into my skin. I wanted to hit him, he doesn't get to speak about her that way. I don't even want to speak about her that way and she certainly deserves it.

"It's been almost a month now," he said, as though I wasn't acutely aware of that.

"I know how long it's been." This kid is such an idiot sometimes.

"He speaks," Bodhi teased, and then his grey blue eyes filled up with pity as he took in my face, "have a good shift then." he finished.

I nodded once, and we both looked away. I made my way over to the job board to start my night. I heard the buzzer sound as Bohdi left the building and I exhaled as I heard the ignition turn over which meant I was alone here once more. I relaxed my fist as I sat down in front of the console, the keys were starting to really cut into my flesh. It's lucky I had the option of working the solo graveyard shifts here. I can easily sleep away my days and zone out doing panel repairs and towing in new work throughout my nights,  It was a lot easier to stop thinking about her this way. I ate, I went for a jog, I slept, I ate, I hit the gym, I came to work. I'd managed to make a routine of this self imposed solitude that I rather liked. 

The shrill ring of the phone pierced the peaceful silence. 

"Royce Smash Repair and Towing." I answered and the exasperated voice of an insurance call centre worker told me the address of my first fender bender for the night. I guess the break system I was scheduled to replace would just have to wait. 

I grabbed a note pad and jotted down the details. I signed out the flat bed tow truck on the register and made my way to the workshop to set the alarm. 

I wouldn't normally bother with setting the security systems but this job was out over in the valley and I probably won't be back until well after midnight, the last thing I need to deal with is a break in. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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