His Love & Loss

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It was years ago. Broly had reached the Earth and he was exhausted and entered a coma. Or so they say. In reality he wasted most of his powers and came to Earth. He came out of the pod he was in and passed out. Not too far away a woman from a nearby village helped him. She cared for him in her house. She tended his wounds and watched over him. When he came to, he looked at the woman who showed him such kindness. He was skeptical at first but then paused when she offered him food. "Why are you doing this?" he asked, as she smiled kindly at him. "You were in trouble. I wanted to help. When I was in trouble no one ever offered me such kindness" she said, as he eyed her. "What's your name?" he asked, as the woman smiled gently. "Reiko" she said, as he smiled looking at her long purple hair and pearl like eyes. "REIKO" shouted a voice, as she jumped a bit and Broly paused noticing her shaking a bit. She slowly opened the door seeing a man rushing in with a knife. She started shaking and fell back. "Damien please no" she begged, as he growled. "You will be mine" he said, as Reiko's eyes widened when he trusted the knife towards her. Reiko quickly shut her eyes and screamed. However, nothing happened. Reiko slowly opened her eyes and they soon widened seeing that the man she had just saved had saved her as well. By killing this man named Damien who was about to kill her. She watched as the body fell to the ground and she then looked up at the man who saved her life. "Thank you" said Reiko, as he nodded. Reiko smiled and kissed his cheek. Broly stopped and looked at the woman shocked. He smirked and cupped her face. Broly took the body away and when he returned Reiko had made dinner for him. She was surprised by his appetite, but thought he was very charming and kind... to her anyway. It wasn't before long that Broly had developed feelings for Reiko and even asked her to be his wife. She happily agreed and it wasn't before long where they decided to have a child together.

One day Reiko was walking home and opened the door to her house. She smiled seeing Broly trying to do the laundry. She watched him from a bit of distance and giggled at his attempts. "Broly do you need help?" asked Reiko, as he stopped and turned to her. He smiled wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her gently. "So?" he asked, as Reiko giggled again and cupped his face. "It's a healthy baby girl" said Reiko, as Broly smiled and bent down listening to Reiko's stomach. "She's going to look just like you" he said, as Reiko smiled. "And she's going to act just like you" said Reiko, as Broly smiled and nodded. "Reiko... I want to name her Rei" he said, as Reiko blushed but nodded her head slightly touching her stomach. It seemed this happiness would last forever... but it didn't. Reiko was due any day and she was washing dishes in the kitchen. She then paused hearing the front door open. "Broly? Is that you? Come help me with the dishes" said Reiko, as she stopped and dropped the dish that was in her hands when men from the village surrounded her. "Alright Reiko we know he's here, where is he?" asked the villagers, as Reiko looked at them not knowing what to do. Reiko then paused as her stomach began to ache and she paused as her water broke. "REIKO" shouted a voice, as Reiko smiled sadly seeing him. However, the men villagers surrounded him. "Leave this village at once" said the elder, as Broly growled. "If you don't we will make Reiko and her baby leave instead" said the elder, as Broly stopped and looked at the love of his life in pain. "Let me at least say good-bye" he said, as they nodded. Broly walked up to Reiko and kissed her lips one last time. "Please Broly I can... I can go with you" she said grasping his hands tightly. He smiled and cupped her face. "Keep our baby safe Reiko... and give this to Rei when she gets older" he said handing Reiko a gold wristband with a blue gem on it. "Broly" said Reiko, as he kissed her forehead one last time. "I love you too Reiko" he said, as Reiko cried watching the love of her life walk away. It was at that point Reiko was now in labour. She was placed on her bed. And it was raining outside. "DOCTOR HURRY" shouted the elder, as the doctor shook his head. "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do... it's either the woman or the baby" said the doctor, as Reiko paused looking out the window. "The baby... please save the baby" said Reiko, as the doctor's eyes widened. "But-"My daughter is more important to this world" she said interrupting the doctor. "Very well" said the doctor, as he then saved the baby's life. The doctor looked at Reiko seeing her breathing heavily. "Please... let me hold her just before I go" begged Reiko, as the doctor nodded. He put the baby in her arms and Reiko smiled at the little girl. "Your mama and papa can't be with you, but remember we love you with all our hearts my little Rei. Be strong, caring and brave like your papa" said Reiko, as she slowly closed her eyes. Rei then started crying and crying. It could have been because of the thunder storm outside. It could have been because she wasn't clothed or perhaps she knew that she would have to be on Earth without her parents alongside her. During this time Broly had indeed left the village. He decided right then and there that Reiko was strong enough to look after their daughter. Not knowing that his true love had died giving birth. Broly was now set on his revenge, but had somehow ended up in a thick pool of ice. Only to be woken up seven years later.

*Ten years later*

"Come on Rei" said a green hair girl with yellow eyes. I sighed crossing my arms looking at this girl. "Yumi how many times are you going to bug me about this?" I asked, as she puffed her cheeks. "Come on the tournament is going to start" she whined, as I sighed deeply closing my eyes. "So? It's not like we're entering" I said, as she crossed her arms. "There are cute boys in it and I will not have you ruining my chances of getting a boyfriend" she said, as I waved my hand. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" I said, as we sat in the stands and in the beginning the whole thing wasn't interesting at all... until I noticed some "different" looking people coming onto the stage. They seemed unimpressed with the other competition and I paused seeing how fast and well they could fight. "Rei?" questioned Yumi, as I turned my head to her. "What are you looking at?" she asked, as I blinked a few times. "What do you mean? They're fighting in the air" I said pointing, as Yumi looked up and blinked a few times. "Rei I think your losing it" she said, as I looked at her shocked. I then looked around seeing people looking shocked as well. They were trying to find the contestants but couldn't. So... why could I follow them so easily? Finally the tournament ended and I couldn't help but rush over to the contestant area on where the competitors were staying. I looked around and paused at one in particular. He had purple hair and blue eyes. I rushed over and he paused blinking a few times at me. "How can you fly like that?" I asked, as he paused and looked at me shocked. "Hey Trunks" said a voice, as we turned our heads and I paused seeing another boy Yumi's age with black hair and eyes. "This the girlfriend you were talking about?" asked the boy with black hair, as the boy named Trunks blushed and shook his head. "What? No way" he said, as I sighed. "Hello" I said waving my hand in their faces, as they stopped and looked at me shocked. I paused, as they narrowed their eyes at me. "W-what?" I asked looking at them. "That wristband" they said, as I paused looking down at it. I covered the wristband with my other hand and held it close. "REI" shouted Yumi, as I paused looking back at her. I then turned around and ran over to Yumi "What was that all about?" asked Yumi, as I shook my head. "It's nothing, let's go" I said, as Yumi paused but nodded her head.

Meanwhile Trunks and Goten were looking at each other. "You saw that right?" asked Trunks, as Goten nodded. "Yeah definitely Saiyan jewelry" said Goten, as Trunks put his hand to his chin. "Where could she have gotten that?" asked Trunks, as Goten paused. "You don't think" said Goten, as Trunks shook his head. "Nah, no way we're the only saiyans left" said Trunks, as Goten nodded his head. "Let's go tell my dad just in case" said Trunks "Right" said Goten, as they flew off towards Capsule Cooperation.

To Be Continued...

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