A Family

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The next day I smiled and started brushing my hair. I started making different styles with it and then growled when nothing seemed right. "Rei?" questioned my father, as I looked at him. "It doesn't look right at all" I said, as he smiled and patted my head. "I'm sure you look great the way you are" he said, as I puffed my cheeks and turned my head. "Your my dad you have to say that" I said crossing my arms. He chuckled and messed up my hair. We soon stopped when a knock came to the door. I smiled brightly and ran to the door opening it. I smiled more seeing Trunks blushing with his hand behind his head. "Ready?" he asked shyly, as I turned my head to my dad. "I'll be back later" I said, as I paused when my father put his hand on my head and then narrowed his eyes at Trunks. Trunks gulped and soon narrowed his eyes towards Trunks. "I want her back before the sun sets" he said, as Trunks and I looked at my father shocked. "Uh, yes sir" said Trunks, as I smiled at my dad once we flew off. I glanced at Trunks and chuckled a bit. He paused and glanced at me. "W-what?" asked Trunks "Sir?" I questioned, as Trunks growled and his face blushed pink. "Shut up" he said, as I flew closer and held his hand. Trunks looked at our hands and then smiled at me. Once we landed I looked around seeing we were near the ocean. "What are we doing here?" I asked, as I stopped to see Trunks going Super saiyan. "Come on let's train" he said, as I rolled my eyes. "You know just because I'm a saiyaness doesn't mean I train twenty-four seven" I said, as he sighed and looked away. "I just thought... since you were a saiyaness we could do stuff like this together" mumbled Trunks, as I stopped and looked at him. "I mean sure I've been on a few dates with other girls" he said,a s I growled in my throat. "But... after meeting you. Your all I can think about" he said, as I stopped and tilted my head slightly looking at him. "So I kept asking what is something she would like to do and then I realized we haven't been alone long enough so I have no clue" he said, as I smiled while biting my lower lip. I wrapped my arms around trunks' neck and he blushed bright red. "Your such a dork" I said, as he sighed and I smiled kissing his cheek. I then took his hand and we sat at the beach just watching the water go back and forth. "Trunks" I said, as he looked down at me. "Thanks for helping me get my family back" I said, as he smiled. "N-no problem" he said, as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Rei" said Trunks, as I smiled while closing my eyes. "Hmm?" I questioned, as I blushed bright red feeling something warm and soft on my lips. I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes soon widened seeing Trunks kissing my lips. I soon gasped when Trunks placed his hand behind my head deepening the kiss. I soon couldn't breath and forced Trunks to break the kiss. Trunks then chuckled a bit. "W-what?" I asked, as he cupped my face. "It seems your eyes have a hint of super saiyan when I kiss you" he whispered, as my eyes widened and I ran to the water. I looked at myself but then paused when noticing I looked the same. "What are you talking about I'm still-" I was about to say, but my eyes widened when Trunks grabbed my wrists and kissed me. When he broke I gasped and looked up at him. "Your really gullible aren't you?" he asked, as I growled looking up at him and then I stopped noticing my ears were heavy. I slowly touched my ears and stopped feeling earrings on them. "W-when did you?" I asked, as he smirked. "I had to distract you somehow" he whispered, as I smiled and hugged him. Trunks looked at me shocked and smiled. "So does this mean your my girlfriend?" he asked, as I nodded my head.

Soon a year had passed and I held my dad's hand looking up at the dragon that was going to grant my wish of having my family back. "Your wish has been granted" said the dragon's voice booming through the skies. Then I smiled seeing my mother slowly walking to us. She was right there in front of me. I ran up to her and she looked at me shocked at first but then smiled and held me close. "Rei" she said petting my head, as I smiled and turned my head towards my dad. He smirked and soon ran over hugging the both of us. "We have a lot to talk about" I said to my mother, as she smiled down at me. She then looked up and paused looking at all the people looking at us. I noticed this and smiled. "Mom these are my friends and they helped me find you and dad" I said, as she smiled and lightly bowed to them. "Thank you so much" she said, as they all smiled at each other. Soon we were about to walk away, but I paused when someone grabbed my hand. I looked back seeing trunks looking at me. I soon blushed when he kissed my cheek. "I'll pick you up later" he said, as I nodded my head. Soon at home I was looking at the food in front of me and just smiling at myself. "She's been like this for days" said my father, as my mother smiled. "I think someone is in love" she said, as me and my father both stopped and looked at her. "What?!" we both shouted, as she giggled and patted my head. "I had the same exact expression on my face with your father" said my mother, as I blushed and lowered my head a bit. "What's his name?" she asked "Trunks" I said, as she smiled "Is it that boy with the purple hair?" she asked, as I slowly nodded my head. She giggled and patted my head. Soon the door knocked and I raced to answer it. "Ah Rei" said my father reaching his hand out, but my mother placed her hand on top of his. "Let her go. She's a big girl. Besides... when she starts getting into fights with him who do you think she's going to ask about that?" asked my mother, as my father coughed a bit and then kissed my mother. "I love your Reiko" he said, as she smiled and kissed him back. "Love you too" she said.

I was training with Trunks and smirked when he went headed into the lake. "HA I WIN" I shouted in my super saiyaness form. I then jumped when Trunks appeared in front of me. I shut my eyes tightly thinking he as going to get me, but stopped feeling warmth instead. I opened my eyes seeing trunks cupping my face looking at me with the earrings on. "They look good on you" he said, as I blushed and then smiled. "Thanks... I never took them off" I said, as Trunks smiled a bit while blushing. "So tomorrow, I decided I'm going to take you out for dinner" he said, as I looked at him shocked. "B-but why?" I asked, as he looked at me shocked. "What do you mean it's our anniversary" he said, as I stopped. "Our what?" I asked, as he hung his head a bit and then held my hand. "It's been officially one year of being boyfriend and girlfriend" he said, as I blushed and smiled. I then kissed his cheek. "Happy Anniversary" I said, as Trunks smiled.

The End

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