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::Personalityㅡ Responsible, Caring, Entertainer

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ㅡ Responsible, Caring, Entertainer

ㅡ Dog Hybrid

ㅡ Dancing
ㅡ Her best friend

ㅡ People calling her dancing "Weird"

::Love Interests


Drei: Another dog?! You gotta see this.

Pepper: *reads paper* cool! A dancer! We could afford a dance practice room with the best speakers, right?

Drei: yup! We can afford anything if the views are good!

Pepper: okay. Anything else to say?

Drei: Nope. *Stamps yes*

Pepper: Everything is good. She can be a mother, right?

Drei: she can handle dancing and her schedules. She can handle being a mom.

Pepper: okay then. *Stamps yes*

Drei: that is our last slot! We're done!


Drei: I wanna get a sandwhich.

Pepper: me too.

And they both left.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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