Alyse sighed. "You don't have to worry about having the talk with any boys dad. You already know that none of them come near me. I guess you can say Roman does a good job at chasing them all away from me; making sure that they stay away as well. People even take it upon themselves to say I belong to Roman, since he never allows any other boys near me. Only time boys do approach me is if they don't know about Roman, or if they are looking to prove they are brave enough to go against him and try to be with me. Even when they decide to challenge Roman, they still run away with their tails between their legs. If only there was someone who wasn't intimidated by Roman and his intense stare. If there was one boy who didn't back down from Roman, I would gladly date him in a heartbeat."

 "Don't worry my beautiful little flower. I'm more than sure that a boy will gladly approach you. They just need time to figure out a way to get passed Roman without him ripping their heads off their shoulders. As much as I love sitting here and chatting away with you, I don't want to keep you from picking up Letha. You girls have a special day planned for after school today," Cornelius said before Alyse walked out of the room.


Shayna was sitting in the living room sipping on her tea, while reading a book when she heard someone knocking on the door. Who on earth would be knocking on the door at this time in the morning? Surely it can't be one of Alyse's friends. They would be getting ready to head over to the school now, wouldn't they? And Alyse said that she was heading over to pick Letha up so they could carpool together on the first day of school, Shayna thought to herself while making her way to the front door. Shayna swung the door open to reveal Roman leaning against the front door. "Roman. What a surprise to see you here. Good morning."

"A good morning it is. I was wondering if Alyse was still home," Roman asked. "She is. But at the moment Alyse is upstairs in the room having a talk with her father. Back to school jitters and all that. You don't have to stand around waiting for her to come down. I'll tell her that you stopped by and that you want her to meet you at the school," Shayna said.

"That won't be necessary ma'am. I figured that I would be a perfect gentleman and give my lady a ride to school today. I figured it wouldn't hurt to get to spend a little time with her, seeing as at the end of senior year we will be in each others lives as husband and wife. Though in the past growing up we didn't get to spend much time together," Roman rambled on.

"That's right. I completely forgot about the marriage between you and my daughter. As for you guys not spending a lot of time together growing up, my husband and I tried to get you to come along with us, Alyse and Letha, but your mother always declined after we mentioned that we were bringing Letha with us to keep Alyse company wherever we went," Shayna explained. Roman's face went sour at the mention of his mother. "Excuse Olivia and her selfish behavior. She didn't want Letha around Alyse at all during our time together. Olivia thought it would be best that Alyse and I were to spend time alone together so that way we could learn to accept one another and grow to love each other. I know obscured but my mother always thought it would do wonders for the both of us, even though we were only kids at the time."

"I see," Shayna said before quickly thinking of something to change the subject completely. "Are you sure you don't want to start heading on over to the school? I would hate to keep you waiting for Alyse. I honestly don't know when she plans on leaving the house. I wouldn't want you to be tardy on your first day as a junior."

"I assure you that I won't be late. I don't mind waiting for Alyse at all. Just be sure to let her know that I will be waiting outside by my car for when she's ready to head to school," Roman replied before turning on his heel making his way down the steps towards his red Jaguar which he leaned against, waiting for Alyse to come out of the house. Alyse was about to make it out of the door, when her mother walked out and stopped her from passing through the doorway. "Don't you think you're forgetting the important meal to start your day," Shayna asked causing Alyse to groan in protest.

"Uhh, so dang close to making it out the door. How do you always manage to catch me every time I try to walk out without breakfast," Alyse asked.

Shayna rolled her eyes in a playful manner. I'm a mother and a wife. Don't worry your father gets the same lecture as you."

 "I bet you also let dad off the hook if he sweet talks you enough. You know you're still young and beautiful. Most likely still able to have another child as well. I'm sure dad would enjoy making another one as well," Alyse said trying to get her mother's focus off of herself and the lack of breakfast.

 "Nice try. You know I can't have anymore kids not after the incident. That's alright though because it gives me more time to focus on the one I have now. Grab some fruit at least. It's healthy and you have something to power your brain and kick start your metabolism," Shayna said while handing an apple to Alyse, who gladly took the fruit and ate it quickly.

"Thank you mom. Now am I free to go? I would like to get out of here, so I can pick up Letha and ride with her to school before Roman pulls in and suggests I ride to school with him," Alyse said. Shayna gave a guilty look before responding to her daughter. 

"It's kind of late for that honey. Roman is outside waiting for you. He knocked and asked for you. I told him you and your dad were talking upstairs in your room. I thought he would take that as a sign to go ahead to school without you, but he said that he would wait for you outside by his car."

"Oh joy. I get to go have a talk with Roman and hear him lecture me on how he doesn't want me around other guys this year. I always get the same lecture from him every year," Alyse said in a sarcastic tone.

Shayna gave her daughter a stern look. "Stop being such a smart ass and get out there and talk to him. He was a gentleman and decided he would wait for you so the both of you could ride to school together."

"Alright I'm going. No need to be so damn pushy about this mom," Alyse said as her mother pushed her out the front door. Oh dear god what have I gotten myself into now? Why did I decide to lay down in my bed for an extra five minutes? Those extra five minutes are now working against me. I wanted to be gone before I had to come face to face with the monster known as Roman Godfrey, the man whore of the school, who is always looking for a new girl to fuck every change he got. Every time I turn around I'm always hearing girls talking about how much pleasure he gives them, and that they hope that he will give them the time of day or even a chance to be with him. Truly pathetic if you ask me. They will never learn from their mistakes. When will they truly begin to realize that they were used by the devil himself, Alyse thought to herself while making her way down the steps to the last person she wanted to be standing near.

His captive possession (Roman Godfrey/Hemlock Grove fanfiction) book 1Where stories live. Discover now