Chapter 3: 20 Bucks

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Your POV

"Mortals" Loki said before rolling his eyes. "Well then, you're definitely not from Earth" Marissa said sarcastically. "Who are you and where did you come from?" Dani said sternly while squinting her eyes, staring at Loki. "I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies, son of Odin, and I am burdened with glorious purpose." Loki replied. Oh Odin. That's his dad's name. I thought. Then a voice entered my mind that certainly wasn't mine. Not quite, pet. I turned to Loki but he was looking down at the table, a smirk on his face. He just read my mind!! That means, I guess, that's his an actual god! Duh "Right...well I'll be in my room. I think Imori wanted to Skype." I said nervously. I took my work and tea into my room. Again, I felt eyes following.

Loki's POV

As (y/n) proceeded to her room and was out of sight her mother, Dorothy, came into the dining room. "So Loki of Asgard, God of pranking or something-" Dorothy began before I interrupted her "How dare you talk to a god like that, you mewling quim." I snapped back. "Jeez Slim Shady, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Marissa said. I looked at her with rage while Danielle was trying to keep her laugh silent. "Loki, please calm down, relax." Lola said as she gestured me to go to the light tan couch. I walked over to her, she gave me a soft smile, I sat down. She grabbed a little, rectangular box and pressed the buttons. "Maybe the News will do. Channel 7" she said to herself under her breath. The black screen turned on and a man was holding a black stick, he was if front of what looked like a damaged town. "This is the results of the tornado-" the man said from the screen. Lola gasped "Oh no!"

As a couple hours passed by, I occasionally heard (y/n) laughing. I stood up from watching the "News" and headed for (y/n)'s room. As I was about knock on the door, a dagger was thrown right next to my head. I turned around to see Danielle "You do anything to her and I'll cut off every single strand of that black licorice hair attached to your head." I smirked at the threat and turned around to face (y/n)'s door.

Your POV

"Hold up so you're a Hufflepuff?" I asked. "Yup" Imori replied on my laptop's screen. "I think I should eat now, it's 6:30 pm here." I said. "Ah, it's 9:30 here. Well cya later cuz!" Imori waved. "Byeeee." I waved back before she ended the call. Once I closed my laptop I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled. "I never knew Earth had so many natural disasters." A mischievous voice said at the doorway. "True, especially the wildfire that started yesterday in San Diego." I said walking over to my calendar that was on the wall next to the door. I grabbed a pen and checked off the square that said May 25, 2012.

Loki entered my room and sat down at the edge of my bed. "Who were you talking to?" Loki asked. I walked over to my bed and sat down next to him. "My cousin Imori. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts. One day I want to visit her again and go to New York together. All we need to do is hop on a bus." I answered. "Isn't that where the Avengers live?" Loki asked. "Yes. Although I had this vision in my dream that buildings in New York were being destroyed. The Avengers were fighting. I don't know, maybe I just had a dream about 9/11 but more dramatic." I laughed, once I replied Loki widened his eyes. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Yes dear." He said before standing up. He started to walk out. "Wait." I said as I stood up. Once he turned around I hugged him. "I thought you might've needed this. I'm so sorry about your past."

3rd Person POV

Before Loki could process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around (y/n). "(Y/n), what kind of pizza do you want?" Dorothy yelled from the kitchen. (Y/n) broke the hug and yelled "The usual, thank you!" Loki stepped back and held both of (y/n)'s hands. "What's pizza?" Loki asked. (Y/n) laughed and answered "It's delicious food. My mom is going to order the pizza now and then it'll get delivered here." "Don't you have maids for your food?" Loki said. "We are definitely not insanely rich as you, Loki." She replied. Both of their eyes locked, staring at each other's until Marissa said "Called it!" Both Loki and (y/n) broke their gaze and hands apart. Marissa and Danielle were in the doorway. Danielle gave Marissa 20 bucks. Once the two girls noticed Loki and (y/n) looking at them, they ran to the living room.

Lola's POV (bet you didn't see that coming)

"You've been gardening all day. Take a break." I said to my husband, or Lolo. We both went inside. "Hey mom, I just ordered the pizza. Do you know when it'll be here?" Dorothy asked. "About 15 minutes. Also keep an eye out on Loki. I think he's looking at your daughter a little too much." I said. "Thanks mom. Now where is he?" She said as she searched the house. Then Marissa and Danielle ran into the living room. "I bet you 20 bucks that he'll sleep with her." Danielle said. "That's a little too far. I bet you he won't." Marissa replied. "Girls what are you talking about?" I asked. The two girls both looked at me "They held hands and hugged each other" they replied in unison. "Oh really! Dorothy needs to know. Dorothy!" I said. My daughter entered the room "Yes ma?" "Loki and (y/n) held hands and hugged each other according to these two." I replied. "Oh hell n-" Dorothy immediately stopped when Loki and (y/n) entered the room. "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" (y/n) asked.

"Oh nothing. How are you, granddaughter?" my husband said, saving the day. "I'm fine. Just had another attack." (y/n) replied. I looked over at Loki. He had a worried and concerned look on his face as he looked at (y/n). Loki listen. I can tell by your expressions that you are "concerned" about her but get to know (y/n). She is one of a kind and I think you already know how protective we are. If you are here to hurt us or manipulate us, leave now. He nodded. He heard every word I said and stayed.

Loki's POV

Oh sh-. If I don't leave I would be lying to (y/n).

(1127 Words)

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