■ Chapter 3 ■

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Empty convenience store

Currently the news of fight between Zack and Daniel were going all over the school. Most and every big shots in the school got the news of Daniel got Zack, the ex rising boxer on his knees with a simple punch.


"Zack Lee in one shot?"
A guy with sunglasses who's seated on a chiar asks.
[Vocal&Dance dept, Vin Jin]

A:"Yeah a big news."

"What a tool. You think he's better looking than me? Just say it." The guy said.

A: 'then take your sunglasses off!'


B:"Eli! Did you see the transfer in Fashion department?"

C:"Eli.. he's good looking... but you're better!"

B:"They say he hit Zack Lee."

C:"Zack Lee lost?"

A boy with dyed hair was sitting with in the girls who fawned around him. He held a charming smile and responded.
"I don't care about fighting... but if he's good looking... Shall I ask him to be my hair model?"
[Beauty Dept, (only man), Eli Jang]


"You said he's handsome?" A guy who closely resembles a someone from a mafia because of his manly domineering look and tattoos asked in a serious tone.
[Architecture Dept, (man of men), Euntae Lee]


"And popular?"


"And he can fight?"


"He's as bad as Eli..." Few tears rolled down from the guy's manly eyes as he looked straight with a serious look.

D:"Don't cry."

"They are both going down." Euntae said.


And at last, a blond boy who has  mysterious aura walked down the hallway silently.

A short boy with skinny body and glasses ran past the blond with him hands in between his legs.
'Ah! Ah! Gotta pee!.... huh? Jay? He's so taciturn.' The short guy thought as he entered bathroom.

As soon as he looked into the bathroom, the 3 bullies in his class were all beaten to pulp on the floor.


'What!? What is this!?'


The glasses boy screamed in his mind.


"Ah.. today was tiring."

Haze said as she entered her apartment. The first things she did after she got in was to check the fridge.
"I don't have much left in here... maybe I should go buy few things." Haze mummbled as she closed the fridge.
She changed her clothes into pink hoodie, black bomber jacket, black leggings and lowtop converse and left the house.

 She changed her clothes into pink hoodie, black bomber jacket, black leggings and lowtop converse and left the house

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