Scene Thirty One

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((Italics are the opposite line on the phone during phone calls. I would like to see a lot of comments as well!! What surprises you find, what you thought was going to happen, what actually happened. I want to see you lose your shit with excitement!))


"Ah, how nice to speak with you again!" Shayley said happily.

Shayley? Where the hell is Alan!? Did you hurt him!? Where the fuck are you! Austin sounded pissed.

"I haven't hurt him, yet. We're getting Alan's suit fitted," Shayley smiled down at Alan. "You can come on over, but you'll only die."

I swear, if you fucking hurt him I'll fucking end you!Austin was enraged.

"Poor Austin, Alan's already made up his mind. He'd rather marry me than you, the man that disappears the day before the wedding. I would never do that," Shayley was twisted, Alan knew that, but he had ways of getting to people.

No, I didn't mean it that way! Leave him alone! Austin shouted.

"Oh, but he has changed his mind," Shayley went over to Alan and pressed a gentle kiss to his neck.

Alan moaned softly, letting Shayley know that he liked it. Shayley bit down on one of Alan's sweet spots. He moaned again.

"Shay.." slipped from his mouth softly.

ALAN NO! Austin could hear everything that was going on and he didn't like it.

Phil lunged for Shayley, trying to grab his neck and pull him away from Alan. Shayley pulled away from Alan and hit Phil with the gun.

"Don't fucking touch me," he spat at Phil, kicking him to the ground.

What the hell is going on?! ALAN? WHERE ARE YOU?! Austin shouted.

Alan sat silently, too afraid to speak in fear of what Shayley could do to him. Shayley pulled him up by his hair and kissed him again. Alan pulled back.

"Let me talk to him," Alan said forcefully.

Shayley gritted his teeth, but gave Alan the phone nonetheless.

Alan, don't do anything. Please, Austin was begging.

"Please. I'm done talking about this. It's what I want," Alan had no hint of regret in his voice.

He fucking abused you and you would rather be with him?Austin felt sick to his stomach, he was ready to marry Alan, but it was all a lie.

"Yes, because.. because I love him!" Alan blurted.

Fine, Austin hung up the phone with a shaky breath.

"Doesn't it feel good to be away from him, baby?" Shayley said softly.

"I guess," Alan shrugged and looked at the phone.

"What have you done!? You fucking asshole!" Phil screamed and attacked Shayley.


"NO!" Phil yelled back.

Alan grabbed the gun off the floor.

"Phil, stop!" he pointed the gun at him.

"Get off of me," Shayley shook Phil off of him and moved over.

Alan pointed the gun at Phil again, immediately getting his attention.

"STOP!" Alan screamed.

He grabbed Shayley's hand. Shayley gripped it in return.

Fight Me or Love Me ((Cashby))Where stories live. Discover now