Sweet Dreams

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Will's POV

We're getting to the cinema. El, Max, Mike and me. This previous night was... good? I could tell. I slept over with Mike, like in the old times and it felt nice. As it felt nice sleeping with him. Shut up Will, you just didn't want him to sleep alone in the living room. You're a cool friend. Friend. Don't forget that. I'm talking with Max about the film we're about to see when we hear Mike and El fighting, but we try to avoid it

"They have been together for less than 24 hours and they're already fighting?" Max jokes

"Shh they're not fighting they're just..."

"Talking aggressively to each other out loud? Will that's a fight"

"It mustn't be important. Maybe they're fighting because of who is going to pay the other's snacks" Max laughs

"Yeah, sure is that. How are you, by the way? Yesterday... Starcourt..."

"Oh. I just needed to get out of there, crowded places stress me"

"Okay, are you alright then?"

"Yeah. Yesterday I ate french fries with El and Mike slept with me so I'm really good"

"Woah, wait a sec. You slept with Mike?"

"Oh not in that way silly! I didn't want him to sleep on the couch so I suggested sharing bed. That's all"

"I repeat. You suggested Mike to share the same bed?"

"Max, we're friends. And we used to do that too when we were little. Don't make a thing out of it"

"I'm not, but you talk about it with a noticeable joy..."

"That's not true!"

"I can tell that yes"

"I can tell that no"

"Okay just don't turn around because that make out session between your bff and your sister can damage your innocent mind. Wow they completely fixed whatever they were complaining about" Max says as she turns around. After her words, I can't do anything but, quickly, turn around too... and all I see is Mike and El walking together without even talking. Unconsciously, I sigh in relief that I didn't watch that scene. But obviously, the red haired girl notices

"I knew it! I knew you like him!" She screams and I shush her

"Shut up! That's not true! And you lied to me!"

"C'mon that wasn't like a real lie, I was just confirming my thoughts, and if it isn't him, I'm sorry that you can't date your half sister"

"What? Max I do not like anyone! Even less them!"

"Sure about that? They look really cute together"

"Yeah... a lot..." My tone is a bit rude now, what is Max playing to?



"I... I like Mike" wait what in the world-

"Y-you do?"

"Yes... when I'm with him... I feel like..."

"A roller coaster?" I'm a bit tired about everyone feeling like this. I mean since I realized about my feelings, or at least what I think about them, everyone falls in love with everyone! But why Mike, Max?

"Sure. How do you know that?"

"I-I feel it too..."

"So is true huh? You like him?"

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