The Cap

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Will's POV

I got it. I have an idea. An idea that actually can work. Why? Because what I will have for Troy will be more interesting than pissing me and my friends off. If he wants to play, okay. He won the first and the second round. But let's see who get's the match point. I just... I need my brother, and my sister. And a camera. And a lot of courage to do what I'm going to do but it doesn't matter. I can't do it today. I'm gonna wait. A week, maybe. That would be enough... What is the worst part is that everyone hates me. I-I didn't know that Lucas, Max and Dustin thought that of me... That was a real low blow. Lucas really hates me, I could see it in his eyes and in his voice... I need to stop this, so we can go back to normal again. But everything happens in due time. Let's wait and be patient. Now... I-I have a priority. And is telling Jonathan the truth... The truth of everything. I see him in is bedroom listening to some music, and as soon as he notices about my presence, he puts his headphones off and invite me to pass in.

"Hey bud.... Did you talk to El?"

"Yeah... I-I did"


"And I feel kind of better..."


"But Lucas, Dustin and Max hate me"


"Because of what they think I did"

"And you did it?"

"Y-yeah! But I have a pretty good reason!"

"Have you told them that?"



"J-Jonathan... I have something to tell you"

"I'm all ears, Will"

"...MikeandIweredatingforsomethingofaweekbutthenthatassholeofTroycameinthewayandthreatenedmewithtellingthegovernmentaboutElanddoingsomethingtoMikesoItriedtostophimbuttheconditiontobebacktonormalwasbreakingupwithMikesothatiswhatIdidthinkingIwouldprotectthembothbutnowisevenworseandallthepartyexceptElhateme"  -I'm sorry I couldn't say it any slower. Jonathan thinks... Jonathan listens... Jonathan nods... Jonathan realizes about what I have said and-

"That you WHAT?!"

"Um... What part didn't you get, exactly?"

"From the beginning... You... and Mike...? I mean. It's okay! I kinda knew it already! And it's okay! But... Mike and El...?"

"Y-yeah well... That's a story for another day... You just need to know the important stuff"

"Okay. So... You and Mike were a thing for a while. Then what?"

"Then Troy on Monday night came up to me and told me he knew my secret and the existence of El and her powers. And that if I didn't do what he asked me to, he would tell everything to the government. And after all what happened with El's sister we know she's still on danger so-"

"So you were trying to keep her under secret"

"And help Mike"

"Wait how did that shithead know about you two?"

"Uh... Uh... Uh..." how can I explain my brother that Troy caught us making out?


"He... Saw us"

"But he has seen you before in the school... And you weren't dating... were you?"

"... Someone told him. Rumours... That"

"Okay... Then what?"

"Then I had an idea of scaring him but that didn't work. I tried to negotiate with him, I said I would do anything to keep my friends safe"

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