MM's Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (Act One)

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After the destruction of Starkiller Base, the First Order regrouped to fight the reigning New Republic which also regrouped under Leia as Chancellor. They have to gain support from their allies from the outer rim.

Rey, got started on her training under Luke Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. While the KNIGHTS OF REN are being trained under Snoke.

Rey and Kylo have to prove to their respective masters that they can use their side of the Force while the Second Galactic Civil War continues...

Rey is meditating on the island that Luke Skywalker was on, while Luke and Ahsoka are discussing to tell Rey her origins.
Rey gets a vision of the Clone Wars, being a Jedi commanding Jengo Fett's Clones against Droids and having a padawan but the weird part is it is a young Ahsoka Tano. She stands up and walks over to Luke and Ahsoka.
Rey asked them "Why do people call Luke. The Last Jedi and no one mentions Ahsoka?"
Ahsoka told her "I chosen to leave the Jedi Order before my Master Anakin became Vader and since then I do not count myself as a Jedi. I disappeared. The galaxy forgotten I ever existed."
Luke stood up and told her with a sad face "It is time for another lesson. Rey."
Rey asked another question "When will it be time for me to know what makes me significant?"
Luke put his hand on her shoulder and told her "Not now. Let time pass."

Rey asked yet another question "Why are you sad? Are you thinking about Han Solo?"

Luke noded then he took Rey to a hole. He told her that it holds a Dark Side Nexus the same one he went to when he trained on Dagobah and saw a vision of the future. Rey Force jumped in the hole (showcasing the her ability to use the force has grown). I was dark then it was light and she she saw that she is on a desert in a sand building and sees a young child and a slightly older girl meeting for the first time (The audience should recognise them as Anakin and Padmé in 'The Phantom Menace' meeting for the first time but Rey does not recognise them), before Rey could do something the scene shifts and suddenly stands on a grassland besides some water and saw a teenage boy and girl talking and flirting (The audience should recognise this as Anakin and Padmé on Naboo in 'Attack of the Clones' falling in love but Rey does not recognise them). She walk towards the two and asking them who they are. Then the vision shifted to a lava volcanic world and she saw the of the same two people slightly older and the girl now pregnant arguing (The audience should recognise this as Padmé and Anakin on Mustafar in 'Revenge of the Sith' arguing about the Dark Side and the New Empire but Rey does not recognise them). Rey move forward sand sees the young man use the Force to choke the young girl, Rey want to stop him but the seen shifts again and she sees what she recognises as Darth Vader.

Vader tells he that "You and me are the same."

Rey asked him "What does that mean?"

Mean-while. Poe, Leia and the other New Republican leaders are having a meeting about what to do next. The Lando comes in the room and Leia walks up to him to thank him about letting them use Cloud City as a base. Suddenly A First Order stardestroyer came on the radar with some Tie Fighters. Leia sends Poe and his squad of X-Wing pilots to defend the city. Hux is standing in the stardestroyer. He sees the dogfight that takes a step away from his one and only goal to destroy the New Republic. Leia issues an evacuation alarm. Then Poe's X-Wing gets shot down and it falls towards the surface of the Gas Giant that Bespin is. The First Order was successful at capturing Cloud City and all of the New Republican X-Wing got shot down and the Stormtroopers captured the base and arrested Leia and Lando and all the other leader got executed because of specific orders from Hux.

Mean-while. Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren bow-down to Snoke on his thrown on Mustafar. Snoke order them to get into pairs to start a lightsaber and Force sparing match. Kylo Ren got in a pair with Eleven Ren (A new character that Matt Smith could play). The Kights ignited their lightsabers and started to spar. Kylo was wining against Eleven until Eleven cut him in the shoulder and he collapsed on the flour. All the Kight laughed that their leader was cut in the shoulder. Then Snoke stood up to calm them down. He told Eleven that he will get a punishment for humiliating his "teacher's pet" then he walked over to Kylo and took him to the medical bay.

Snoke told Kylo "Rey is starting to understand her significance but not fully. I will use Force link to link you two so you could try to get her to join us."

Snoke extended his arm and Kylo suddenly sees a dark cave and sees Rey scared and she said "What does that mean?"

He spoke to Rey "Rey don't worry. Snoke, me and the Knights of Ren will help you to understand your visions. I know who you are and you significance. Just go to Mustafar and Snoke will tell you."

Rey snaps out of the vision and heard Kylo speak and sees him down the cave.

Rey asked "How you got here? And really you know how I am?"

Kylo answered "Yes. I do but I cannot tell you. History books left it for Snoke. I am not in this cave I am on Mustafar. Snoke used the Force to link me to you to tell you this."

The link connection dropped and the medical droid came into the room to fix Kylo's shoulder and Snoke came out of the room to continue instructing the Knights and give Eleven the punishment.

Mean-while. Poe was falling down to die for the good of the New Republic suddenly his X-Wing gets caught by a ship. When his X-Wing is dropped in a hanger he sees Finn with a rag-tag group of about thirty people.

Poe asked "What happened? Man. Who are this people?"

Finn answered "These are freed Stormtroopers that you keep killing. I told you that they're other like me."

Poe the smiled that the hope still exists against the against the Fist Order.

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