"These will heal soon," he throws the other ball into a trash beside me. "Do you have other wounds? Anything else that hurts?" His gloved hands are now slowly running down the sides of my neck, checking my spine, my collar bone. His runs his fingers down my arms. Lifting them slightly and bending them. He moves to my breasts, the tips of his fingers kneading into my flesh. "Any medical history I need to be aware of?" His fingers are on my ribs now, probing.

I do not answer, I grit my teeth and stay quietly seething in my fear and my anger.

"This is just like any other doctors' trip," he assures me. "I just need to know your medical basics."

"Never been to a doctor before."

"Oh-" he stops, "then this must all be very new to you."

"Don't recall patients ever being strapped down to their bed." I mumble starring at the ceiling.

"If you've never been to a doctor before, you wouldn't know, would you?" He smiles as he says it, I can see it out of the corner of my eye. He resumes checking me.

His hands are on my stomach now, he's laced them on the mound on my lower belly where my uterus is, and he pushes, it hurts, he pushes hard, and I wince, but he seems satisfied and keeps searching. He grabs my hips and rotates them. Then he picks up the band in my pants and glances down. "Any foul odors? Any pain, down there?"

I jerk my hips away from him.

He smirks and then runs his hands down my leg closest to him, he has to move to the other side of the bed to check my other leg, the one that's been bitten. He sees me wince again, I try to jerk my leg away, but I cannot.

"Blood is never a good sign," he says pointing to my jeans. He points to the tray that the gray bearded man is standing next too, and without a word Olly is handed a pair of scissors. He starts at the ankle of my jeans and cuts up past the bite mark on my lower thigh. "Did one of my men do this to you when they apprehended you?"

"Her face was damaged during a scuffle with-"

"You've said as much before Johnson, I was asking our Subject. Thank you." He leans in closer to me, making sure to keep my eye contact. "Who hurt you and how?"

"My face is your fault. Everything else is..." I think back to Cole for a moment, "consequence of being a woman."

"I didn't think you'd be treated so roughly in a pack like that," he said.

"I ran. I was captured."

"Ah, well I hope you learned your lesson, there will be no running here." He is dumping alcohol on my wound which was already beginning to close, but was red and tender, I felt the heat from the wound surge as the alcohol met it and it stung.

He grabs some gauze and compresses my leg tightly, when he's finished, he places the cut jean flap back down over my leg.

"Looks like another wolf bite? It will take a day or two for these wounds to heal." He says, but I knew better.

They'd be healed by tomorrow. It usually only takes a day, it's been about that. When I wake up tomorrow, it will be gone.

He stands at the foot of my bed. "I have some basic questions, like I said, it will be a lot like a doctor's visit. But I suppose it will be a new experience for you. None the less," he moves over to my side again where he started and sit down in a tall chair.

He grabs a clip board from the tray and bends checking things off. Making notes as he goes.

"Why are you healing me?"

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