"Why aren't the bites healing?"

"Once the bane is in your system, any wounds you receive will take longer to heal. He'll be down for another day or so with the amount of poison in his blood, but he will be fine."

"The other woman." My mind flashes back, and for a moment I think of the pale blonde wolf with a ragged pelt. Wounds on her wrists and welts on her back. "There was another wolf, before those men found us. It was another female. She was badly beaten, and her wounds looked old, but unhealed. I wasn't sure then, but I'm sure now. They were looking for her. They had her at some point. She probably escaped. She must have had Wolfsbane in her system too, or was recently injured."

"Strange thing you hear you say there was another female, when you are the first one I've met, and you're not supposed to even exist. But low and behold- there are two in my forest."

I ignore him and look back at my father. "When will he wake up?"

"I'm told that his fever is burning through the medicine pretty fast. With the doses we gave him. He'll be up in an hour or so. I'm considering keeping him sedated until he is healed. After all, his energy has proved violent, and Greg feels as if it' is the best way to help him deal with his recovery. Of course, it is also dangerous. There is always a chance that we will not wake up if we keep him sedated."

"I don't want that." I say quietly.

"That's completely your choice. We will let him wake up. It will be nice to speak with him now that you are here. I'm sure he will be calmer."

I breathe deeply, backing away from my father. I lean against the wall and slide down slowly. Holding my knees. "Think I can stay here? Till he wakes up?" I scratch the back of my neck, but stop, when I realize that it's something my dad would do. Not me. "I don't want him to be sedated again without seeing me."

Ulric looks at me for a moment and appears to be thinking.

"I can't leave you unattended," He says finally.

"I can stay with her," Cole offers.

"I really won't go anywhere," I say. I can't leave without my father. I won't go into those woods alone. Regardless of his intentions, good or bad. I'm a prisoner here anyways.

Ulric looks at me for another moment.

"I think it'd be best if you come with us." He doesn't say much more. I got the feeling that, even though he wasn't my alpha, I didn't have much of a choice. I sat for a little longer, waiting for him to wake up, but he didn't.

"Is there someone here watching him?"

"Yes, Greg and his wife, Evelyn. They are both here, they've been taking shifts."

"I don't see them."

"I asked them to give you some privacy with your father. They'll be back when we leave."

"Will they tell us when he is awake?"


"Okay. Can I have a moment with him?"

Ulric stops to think for another moment, but then nods his head.

They turn to leave but the door stays open, I am not brave enough to close it.

As he turns to leave I step towards my dad and brush his cheek, hot and clammy, hoping to leave my scent with him so he knows, when he wakes, that'd I'd been here to see him. I don't say anything to him. I'm sure he'll smell me anyways, but it's better to be safe than sorry. It wasn't enough to calm my nerves, I need him to KNOW that I was here, so I take off my amulet and trade mine with his, so that he knows I'd visited. Even though they look the same, at least my scent would be stronger, and the runes on the back are different. I take his in return, to make sure that I stay in human form. I would need all my strength in unknown territory.

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