Part 2

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Italy busted down the door to Germany's bedroom, "GERMANY GERMANY!!!!!" He yelled shaking him awake,

Germany groaned as he frowned at him, "What is it Italy? It is almost midnight." He asked him irritated, "I went downstairs in the kitchen to go make me some pasta but this monster knocked it out of my hands and attacked me!" Germany rolled his eyes, "Italy calm down, you were probably just imagining things." Italy then sat down next to him, "I am telling you Germany, i was not imagining things, he even left this symbol." Italy said as he pulled down the collar of his shirt,

Germany got concerned at seeing this, "What is that?" He asked motioning for Italy to come closer, "I dunno, he drew the symbol on here and whispered in my ear and said that i was his." Germany then got out of bed, he knew Italy wouldn't make something like this up, "Let's go see if Japan knows anything about this."

Italy told Japan about everything that happened when he was downstairs, he then showed the symbol left around his collar bone, Japan's eyes narrowed as he examined it, "It does look a little familiar, we should go see America, i know he would know something about this." Germany nodded as Japan got out of bed with Italy practically clinging to them.

All three of them sat in the car, "Alright, we will see if America knows anything about this, if he doesn't then we could go ask If England knows anything, since he into all that Black magic stuff he should probably know something about this." Japan said, Germany started the car while Italy sat in the back by himself, he felt as though he was being watched. As 10 minutes went by Italy started to hear whispering, "You friends will die" and "you will be MINE." The voices started getting louder, they were starting to get so loud that Italy used both his hands to hold his head in pain, Germany started to notice this, "What's wrong Italy? Are you okay?" Italy dug his fingers into his head in pain, "Your soul will belong to me, forever." One of the whispers said, it started getting louder to the point where it sounded like screaming, Italy started shaking and hitting his head against the window, hard, "MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, Germany looked to Japan, "Take the wheel." Japan nodded as Germany took his hands off the wheel to turn around and try to help Italy as Japan immediately took the wheel. "Italy stop, you are going to hurt yourself." Germany told him in a concerned tone, Italy completely ignored him and continued hitting his head onto the window, he was hitting his head so hard onto the window where Germany could have sworn he saw blood dripping down the window, that was enough for Germany, he tried pushing Italy away from the window, but Italy was fighting against him, Italy then bit one of his fingers really hard, Germany held his grip on him, ignoring the pain, "ITALY STOP!!!!!" Italy then let go of his fingers he then head butted him thinking it would help, this made Germany let go of him, Italy started to cry, "Please! Germany make the voices stop!!!!!" And with that Italy jumped/slammed himself to the otherside of the car, He then started going back and forth jumping/slamming his body to the sides of the car, making Japan start loosing control of the car, "Germany hold him still!" Japan yelled trying to keep control of the car, Germany tried to grab but he was moving to fast. As Japan was driving he could have sworn be was seeing something on the road in the distance

"Uh Germany?" Germany was to busy being distracted by trying to catch Italy, as the figure in the distance was getting closer, Japan tried to get control of the car and avoid him, but he couldn't with Italy jumping/slamming back and forth to the sides of the car, "Uh Germany." He said a little louder, but still ignored as he was starting to get a little angry, "Italy sat still!" Japan looked and saw the figure grew out what he guessed were tentacles

The figure then stretched out his arm and reached for them, seeing this made Japan tense up, when they were only 10 seconds from the figure, "GERMANY!!!!!!!!!" Japan yelled, Germany and Italy turned around to see the figure, Japan took this moment to quickly turn to only hit the figure with the side of the car, the figure then used it's tentacles to pick up the car and throw it, causing the car to go flipping out of control into the woods, "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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