The Axis powers in Slender

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Italy was wallking around Germany's house, it was 11 pm and Germany and Italy were in deep sleep, Italy, being as he is, got hungry in the middle of the night and decided he might get a snack or make himself some pasta, but he was debating if he should go out of the bedroom because, it was darker than Russia's soul out there, Italy looked back to see Germany sleeping away, "I can't always rely on Germany for everything, i need to toughen up and do it myself." Italy said to himself.

Italy felt like he was going to piss himself as he was walking down the dark hallways, "Why did Germany's house have't to be so scary at night?" Italy then went downstairs to the dark kitchen.

Italy tried to find the light switch, he smiled as he turned on the lights on, for some reason, with the lights on, for some reason, with the lights on, he felt much safer. Italy smiled happily as he started making himself some pasta, little did he know that he was being watched by something in the shadows.

Italy smiled happily as he sang a little tune as he picked up his trey of food he made, before he could even take a step the lights seemed to go out, Italy stiffened as he let out a whine of fear, "Don't wet yourself Italy, it is probably nothing." All of a sudden something or someone knocked the trey of food he was carrying onto the floor, The thing that had been watching him in the shadows came out in front of him.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! GERMANY HELP!!!!!!!!!!" Italy yelled in fear, before he could even move, the figure used it's tentacle's to wrap around his legs and arms so he couldn't move, Italy was trembling in fear he was about to scream again until the figure used another tentacle to cover his mouth, Italy had tears flowing down his face as the figure observed him, it was freakishly tall, and he wore a black suit, but the part that scared Italy the most is that he had no face, all it was doing was looking down at him, it was terrifying him even more, the figure came up behind him, he used another tentacle to rub against Italy's smooth skin on his face, kind of rubbing away the tears, the figure pulled down the collar of Italy's shirt down, the tips of it's fingers were covered in blood, it then drew a symbol around his collar bone.

Italy sniffled as the figure flicked some of the blood of it's fingers, it then pressed it's ice hold white hand on Italy's face which made Italy's muffled screams get louder, "Mine." It whispered in his ear, that was the breaking point for Italy, he bit really hard on the figure's tentacle, causing the figure to let go of him in pain, Italy quickly used this moment to run away, "GERMANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Axis powers in SlenderWhere stories live. Discover now