"Sister Lily! Lift!" Mady ran to Sister Lily with her arms up in a grabbing motion like how a child would do when they want to be carried. Sister Lily sent her an apologetic smile, "Gomen, Mady-chan but Sister Lily is busy, you can ask Yuno if you want." Sister Lily said, pointing to the black-haired boy beside Asta.

"Yuuunnnooo~, liftuuu~." Mady cooed in an adorable way with a small pout.

Yuno blushed a hue of pink, lifting Mady by her arms and pulling her in his lap. Mady cuddled with him contentedly under the big tree infront of the church.

Sister Lily and Asta's eyes sparkled in interest as the two of them looked at the cute display of affection. "Ho ho ho... you seeing what I'm seeing, Asta?"

"Pretty sure I am..."

"Am I hearing wedding bells?"

"Is it our wedding then?"

"Water Magic: Holy Fist of Love!"


●Few moments later●

"Can I ask for someone to bring this letter to the Mayor?" Father asked as he arrived at the church. Mady fell asleep, leaning on Yuno earlier.

"Yuno, can you go?" Father asked the boy.

Yuno nodded hesitantly, "O-okay, I'll go." He said, handing the sleeping Mady to Father as he ran to the town.

A few hours has passed, Mady woke up and saw Father carrying her in the church, with a startled yelp, she shouted, "Waahh! Yuno turned into a Granpa!" Mady pointed out, making the children, especially Asta to laugh loudly, forcing Sister Lily to join them.

After explaining to Mady that Yuno has to go somewhere for awhile, she pouted, "But Mady wants to cuddle with Yunooo." She whined before looking out the window, her eyes sparkled.

"Asta! It's raining ice cream outside!" She pointed out, making the grumbling Asta to raise his head immediately and followed where she's looking at. When he saw the snow, he laughed slightly, "It's just snow, Mady. Anyway, Yuno's been out for a long time now, can we eat first?" He whined, making Sister Lily to scold him and Mady to let out a huff, "Mady wants to slap Asta, is that allowed Sister Lily?" She asked the blue-haired woman.

"Mady-chan, you're incredibly honest!" Sister Lily chuckled, looking at Asta who turned pale. "Ehh?! Mady wants to slap me? Why?!" He asked.

"Asta doesn't want to wait for Yuno. Meanie!" Mady pointed at him accusingly, shifting her purple top hat on her head.

A few moments later, Asta pulled Mady's hand and went outside the church when no one was looking. "Let's go to Yuno, he must have been in trouble." Asta said, walking fast with Mady trailing behind him.

As they reached the town, they heard Yuno's voice and another of a man. They saw the man holding Yuno's blue pendant as Asta charged at the man with a battle cry while Mady went to Yuno and gave him a cloak.

"Yuno, Mady's really worried, are you alright?" Mady asked, tears forming in her eyes. Yuno hugged her to prevent her from crying, "It's fine. Yuno's not hurt." Yuno cooed, rubbing Mady's back repeatedly to comfort her.

"But you're hurt!" Mady shouted, pulling away from a shocked Yuno.

Out of the corner of Yuno's eyes, he saw the trees swaying violently, the flowers nearby grew taller, vines started slither near Mady's feet like a snake, waiting to pounce on its unfortunate prey.

"Asta! Get away!" Yuno shouted, Asta nodded then ran away from the man as Mady's hand formed to fists.

"You hurt Yuno! I hate you! I hate you!" Mady shouted, unconsciously raising her right hand, the vines followed her command as they covered the man's body, him shouting in fear. One of the vines took the pendant from his hands and gave it to Mady's outstretched one.

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