feb. 18

3 1 0

comforting lies

under the guise

of something new

something warm

something good.

and there goes

the other shoe

tumbling down,

falling to the earth.

i feel used,

emptied out.

your tool of destruction.

third leg of the stool.

your weapon of choice.

to keep love at

arm's length.

this was the time

that my heart had the advantage

and my head was so completely wrong.

for once, i saw it coming.

the rug pull.

because it always felt wrong

deep down.

but i thought it was right.

i thought i deserved to have things

just once

balance out.

i didn't think that was irrational

i thought it would be different.

but my heart,

it knew.

always knows

that this is how it ends.

spearmint & lavenderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat