they're all leaving me behind

to drown on my own

while they're in their own world

their own, peaceful world

full of smiles and laughter

good music

fun and sleepless nights.

their own peaceful little sphere

without me.

and in this world

it's better.

they're better


without me.

it's not real.

it's not real.

it's not real.

but it was.

it still is.

for me

and it will be for so much longer.

while brain unlearns


copes or doesn't.

while i ask myself


why it still hurts

why words still haunt me,

even the unspoken ones.

or the ones spewed in anger,

long-since forgiven.

why you still haunt me

torment me

plague my mind like a computer virus that just keeps opening pop-ups

no matter how many times i hit the little "x."




you're still there.

smiling, laughing, crying.

whispering, avoiding, lying.

our whole little world still exists inside of me,

and that's the problem.

it was evil



tainted with toxic sludge

that sucked us down

and under.

it's burned into me

our own world.

and it doesn't make sense

to keep holding on to something

that stings so deeply and continuously.

i don't want it.

i don't want this anymore.

it hurts.

hurts me

hurts them


it hurts

to think that every person is pretending.

that they're all building their own worlds

that i can't touch.

just because that's what you did

just because that's what i do.

i build my own world,

one full of light

and love and support

and music and laughter.

and then i take myself out of it

i seek out the storm

and get lost in it.

i felt safe in our world

and you ripped it out from under me,

shattered the facade.

i was never safe in that world

it wasn't real.

but it felt so tangible

so solid.

now safety is terrifying

love is pain

friendship is holding my breath

happiness is fleeting

because of course it is. 

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