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(Y/N) and Nimura hold hands together as they leave the house, (Y/N) tugs on the coat shes wearing with her other hand and smells it, it smells just like her lover, the weather was okay, not too hot or too cold, but the sky was getting darker, they walk through the city together.

"Hehe (Y/N) did you know that I am the director of the CCG now?"

"What? Really? That's awesome!"

"Mhm, thank you (Y/N), all I had to do was kill off the washuu family"

"What did you just say? (Y/N) was thinking about stuff and didn't pay much attention.

"Eh? Oh... I forgot." Furuta puts his hand infront of his mouth. ((Shit... She must never know!))

After the time spent together outside in the city, they walk back to the apartment.

However, something suddenly didn't feel right for him. Someone was following them.

"Baby whats wrong?" (Y/N) asks.

Furuta goes back to his senses.

"Oh.. No nothing dont worry..."

"Are you sure?"

"yeah..." he gives her a smile

(Y/N) smiles back but, right at that smile. She suddenly gets stabbed with a quinque, and gas that prevented the kagune from coming out was released. (Read the Manga if you don't know about the gas)

(Y/N) drops on the floor and starts crying.

Hell, No one could do anything, not even Furuta because of that gas. He just picks her up and runs away with her, the wound was very deep into her chest. Some investigators were following them until Furuta hid with (Y/N) in a safer place where they lost track of where they were going, he slowly gets in the apartment, making sure nobody was following them.

"Love..." he lays her down on the couch, and proceeds to take her clothes off. "Oh dear... It seems that they knew you were a half ghoul or something..."

"But who do you think may have told them...?" (Y/N) asks softly, coughing up blood.

"I have no idea..." He cleans (Y/N)'s wound with a tissue and wraps a bandage around her chest.

"Am I... going to die...?"

"No! Ofcourse you won't. You will regenerate soon, I promise" he started to worry, due to the wound being fatal and too deep.

"I want... You..." she wraps her arms around his neck, and blacks out from blood loss.

Furuta just watches her unconscious body, he has been on the floor holding her hand, hoping that she could wake up soon.

Not too long until the ccg break into his house and forcefully take (Y/N) away from him.

"You know you protected a ghoul right? Do you know how bad that is."

"Ghoul? She is a human, I want my girlfriend back now."

"She's a ghoul, I said."


"No? So you dont know anything about her yet?"

"She's a human. She eats human food just like we do."

"We will take her to cochlea and run some tests on her then and if you're lying you will be executed"

The ccg carry (Y/N)'s body and cover her in a white short dress. They take her in the van to her own cell in cochlea. Once she wakes up she sees some ccg members around her.

"Where am I...? Where's Nimura?" she started crying again.

"No time for crying you filthy human eater." one of them says

"What the hell... I didn't do anything!!!" (Y/N) felt her chest stinging from the pain

"you've been imprisoned for being suspected 99% of being a ghoul. Now to prove this wrong we will do some tests."

Ccg member Ui gives (Y/N) a sandwich and asks her to eat it. (Y/N) passed successfully, natural one eyed ghouls can eat normal human food.

Ccg member Marude brings (Y/N) a piece of human meat to see if her ghoul eyes would flash. It doesnt, shes not hungry, obviously.

Arima appears infront of (Y/N) which scares her for life.

"I'm definitely going to die now..." she thought

Arima picks (Y/N) up, due to her having trouble walking because of her injury. Arima carries (Y/N) on his arms and (Y/N) puts her chin on his shoulder, Arima passes through the ghoul detector, it didn't make any noise, because she had human parts.

"Still nothing... Huh...? Then what did that guy lie about?" Arima talks to himself quietly.

((Lie...? someone told them about me!!))

(Y/N) starts crying again "I didn't do anything wrong!!! I don't want to die yet!!"

Somehow Arima felt less empty hearing her cries, it's like he felt guilty for her. He brings (Y/N) in the sunlit garden, he had no choice. Because he knew that she was a ghoul from her smell that wasnt 100% human. He defeats her and passes the quinque through her eyes and head. Just like how he did to Kaneki before he turned into Haise. He put (Y/N) in her prison cell back, bandaged her eyes, and covered her with a white towel.

(Y/N) lost her memory... But she could still feel the pain, her hair had turned into a pale white from the shock she went through.

Arima didn't really want to do what he did. But he had to.

"Ugh.. Why my precious (Y/N)..." Furuta feels like his blood is boiling in the meantime. "I have to do something..."

"I'm the director. They cant do anything to my (Y/N)."

Furuta's mind keeps getting twisted with sick thoughts, such as if they will do something bad to her, violate (Y/N) like the washuu family did. Or even worse, pass the tests and then falling in love with another boy...

"Ugh fuck it" Furuta goes to the ccg central to get his precious (Y/N) back.

"Where the hell is my (Y/N)? Bring her to me. Now."

"We don't know. Arima took her away, that's all we know."

"Fuck..." ((Good shit, I will die if I even go next to him. But I would gladly die in honor of my (Y/N))).

"Im the director. And I order everyone to bring me my (Y/N) back."

"But we dont even know where she is? And if she's actually a ghoul you shouldn't be defending her! Wait until she passes the test"

"Bunch of idiots..." He goes to his presidental office, in which Kuroiwa and Urie showed up to question his motives of defending that girl. Furuta didn't want to hear any more bullshit, he got Shikorae and Roma to attack them because they were too annoying.

In the meantime, Arima brought poor little (Y/N) some food and a few books to read inside her prison cell. (Y/N) started calling Arima "dad" for some reason, but little did she know that he is the one who got her to this point.


Arima takes the bandages off her eyes, the injury stopped bleeding.

Arima gives (Y/N) a smile and gives her a hug, she immediately felt like a daughter to him.

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