Part 15

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Marissa heard clanking of metal. She kept her eyes close and her sleepy mind tried to focus on the sound. After some time, clanking sound came again. It was like someone tapping on a metal pot. She quickly sat up. Sound was gone. She started wearing her jacket. Jack and Nate were asleep. Sound came again. It was not loud and it came and went with a rhythm. She stood up and came out of the tent. It was almost dawn. Arsalan was praying and a bird was taping on the pot with its beak. Environment was so silent that this small beak strikes were making hearable sound. Bird saw Marissa and flew away. Marissa yawned. She looked around. This place was looking like heaven. She saw some flowers, she smiled for no reason. All of a sudden, someone placed something on her head. She turned around and saw Nate. Nate was wearing his jacket and a beanie. She touched her head and realized that Nate placed a beanie on her head. She pulled it down. Nate said

"Cool breezes are dangerous on this height and cold environment. You should cover your head"

"Good morning to you too"

Nate smiled while looking down. She chuckled. She just gazed at Nate. Nate was still looking down and she didn't noticed that he was turning on his camera. She just looking at his face. Nate looked up and pointed the camera at her.

"Do I say cheese?"

"No, just be yourself"

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes are sleepy right now and your face is looking so innocent. I want to capture this view"

"So you are saying that I only look innocent when I am sleepy"

Nate got confused and said

"N..No, I didn't mean it like that"

She laughed again.

"I am just puling your leg Nate"

Nate smiled embarrassingly. He looked very cute and Marissa gave him a smile which came from her heart. Nate quickly captured it. Sleepy eyes and a pure smile. He thought to himself


Arsalan finished his prayer. He came near them and sat down. Coals from last night fire were still giving out smoke. They were red from some parts. Arsalan threw some more wood in it. He said

"If you want to go through your morning routines, there is a creek to the right side"

Nate got up and started walking. Arsalan yelled

"Water is too cold, I am warning you"

Nate just gave a thumbs up. Marissa smiled. Arsalan said

"So how it is going with him?"

"I haven't thought about it, this whole situation got me focused on Queen"

"Well, we are in such beautiful areas and I must say that this thing can turn any man romantic"

Marissa laughed. Arsalan set up the pot and started making tea. Marissa started making sandwiches with bread and tin packed tuna fish. Nate came back and then Marissa went. Arsalan woke up Jack. They had their breakfast and sun came up from behind the mountains. They packed their tent and bags, put them on their shoulders and started walking. They saw some spirits in the way but they did not attacked them. Near noon, they stopped for lunch. They were sitting in a grove and eating their food when they saw 'Markhors'. These were mountain goats. They lived in these areas. Arsalan informed the others that these are not spirits and are actual animals. Markhors never saw humans here so they were curious. A Markhor came close to Jake and sniffed his ear. Jack started giggling. He said

"What is he doing?"

Arsalan replied

"He never saw any human, just curious"

Nate captured a picture. Marissa gave a piece of bread to Markhor. She started giggling like a child too.

Markhors stayed for a bit and then went away. After lunch, they started walking again. After walking for some time, Arsalan took out his spirit stone machete and said

"Guys, be careful. Tree line on the left have something with red energy"

Jack took out his machete too and said

"What do we do?"

"Just keep your weapon in hand. It is not attacking us right now"

They all did it but after sometime, whatever that was went away. They walked till dusk and met another wall. When they reached the top, dusk was over and it was completely dark. Arsalan quickly lit a fire and set up tent. They had dinner while staying cautious of their backs and surrounding. It was decided that tonight, they will take watch duty in pairs. 

Spirits (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें