Chapter 26: Don't mess with the pirates

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A/N: Hello guys ! Sorry for the small wait again. I know I have to publish one chapter every 10 days, but those times I feel tired with my work, and honestly, I sometimes felt annoyed by my studies, so much that I almost gave up for a moment...

But don't worry, I promise you I'll put some effort next time, as for the writing of my story than my studies.

Have a good read !

~Travis's POV~

"Hmm... That highland chicken is really delicious, my dear !", exclaimed Tressa's father happily.

"You're welcome, Olneo... It's such a pleasure for me to cook one of our best worker's favorite meal after such a good day of work ! Right, Tressa ?", asked nicely Tressa's mom.

"Yeah ! Mmmmh !... It's such a delight !..."

I was actually dining with the Colzione family, including Tressa and her parents, as Tressa's father came back tonight after his day of work. The dining room was quite dark while a small silence invaded the entire house.

In the porcelain plates, there were a bunch of aperitifs on the dining table, like peanuts or lemon, but we were mainly eating a roasted chicken alongside a fresh salad. Tressa really enjoyed her meal and already devoured half of her plate, while I was tasting the chicken coupled with salad for the first time of my life.

"And you, Travis ? How do you judge your meal ?", asked me kindly Tressa's mom.

"Well... That's right that chicken is pretty good.", I smiled.

It was such a peaceful evening: not a single loud noise could be heard from outside, just the slow sound of the sea made us relax. We were also pretty calm and well exhausted after that day of work.

I was grateful to Tressa's parents to invite me out to dinner, as I didn't have any other ways to eat if I don't count the merchant of free sandwiches. I never had the occasion before to eat with several persons around a table.

Effectively, when I was observing them eating, I could really see a united family who was having a nice moment together. This really reminds me of families eating together, parents with their children, in their sweet home. That's right they looked so happy together...

Me, I never knew that kind of moment, because I never knew my parents. I remember anything from them and all... but watching at Tressa and her parents eating together makes me glad.

Is that... how it's like to have a family ?

"I see you look pretty calm tonight, young boy. Is something wrong ?", asked me Tressa's father.

I haven't told them the truth about me: they don't know I'm an orphan, and that I lied to them about my family. I know I didn't want to make them upset, but I felt quite bad for hiding that secret from such nice people like them.

"...", I said nothing.

"...Maybe it was so yummy for him that he couldn't express how much it's good !", shushed Tressa at her parents while eating.

"Huh... It's just... I don't always eat with people besides my parents, so I just feel quite weird... But it's ok !"

"Ah. That's fine. I remember you told us your parents were pretty busy, actually...", answered Tressa's dad.

I didn't really want to tell them the truth directly, in the middle of the dinner, but the more they are believing in my lies, the more I regretted to invent fake stories.

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