The Perfect Date

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Zoe's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groan and sit up, I hate getting up early. And then I remember the reason I set my alarm so early, my date with Pin! That puts a smile on my face as I go to my closet to choose the perfect outfit. Once I am dressed I go downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. Then I do my hair and makeup. I'm ready for my date and am heading out of the house when I get a text from Pin,

Pin: You ready for our date?
Zoe: I am leaving the house right now
When you get to Holloway, meet me in the paddock, and bring Raven
Okay, but what are we doing?
You'll see!
Okay, I'll see you there soon! I love you! 😘
Love you more! ❤

When I get to the stables I go to Raven's stable and tack him up. As I lead him out, Mia comes up to me.
"What are you doing?" She demands.
" That's none of you business! " I reply, Mia can be so annoying sometimes. I lead Raven around Mia and head over to the paddock where I can see Pin waiting for me with Elvis.
"Zoe!" Mia yells after me.
" What do you want Mia? "
"You need to train! Where are you going?" I think that sometimes Mia forgets that she doesn't own Bright Fields anymore, and that she can't boss me around. I turn around to face Mia.
" Can't I take the day off? " I won't let Mia ruin my date.
"Why?" She asks, I know that she won't let me leave until I tell her the real reason I am skipping training today.
" Well, if you must know, I am going on a date with Pin today. " She looks kind of shocked.
"You and Pin?" She asks, sounding surprised.
" Yes! Now if you're happy, I am going! " I take Raven into the paddock and see Pin standing besides Elvis looking very handsome. When he sees me he smiles, and I can't help thinking how cute he looks with those cheekbones. I smile back and he asks,
"Are you ready?"
" Yes, but where are we going? " I reply
"On a little ride to the beach." We mount the horses and head to the beach, riding side by side. This is so amazing, I think to myself. Riding Raven is the best feeling in the world, I feel so free and happy whenever I am riding him. Nothing can take that away from me. We ride for a few minutes in silence, just riding next to each other, and enjoying each other's company. Pin is the first to speak as we near the woods that will bring us to the beach.
"I'm so glad we get to do this."
" Me too, I wish I had told you how I felt sooner. " I tell him. I can't believe I hadn't picked up on Pin's true feelings for me before! We could have had much longer, but instead I chose Marcus. And now Pin is leaving to travel soon, so we only have one month together before we won't see each other for some time. But at least we have each other now.
"Me too, but at least we have each other now." Pin says, reading my thoughts.
"So, where do you plan to go on your travels?" I ask him, I want to know what he plans to do while he is gone, and what he wants to see.
" Well, I plan to go to London, France, Rome, Greece, Vienna, and a few other places. " Pin looks so excited to be going to explore the world, something he has never been able to do. But it makes me so sad to hear all the places he is going without me.
"How long are you going to be gone?" I manage to squeak out. It is a question that has been on my mind ever since Pin told me when he was leaving.
"I don't know, I don't have an exact amount of time that I plan to be gone, but I hope to be back before next summer." That means that Pin could be gone for a whole year, and that makes me even more sad. Pin suddenly notices how sad I am and he says to me,
" Why don't we stop talking about it? This is a happy day, don't think about me leaving. " I nod and we start talking about other things and I cheer up a bit. Once we reach the edge of the forest, and the beach comes into view, I gasp. A beautiful picnic has been set up for us. I get off of Raven and walk up to it and Pin follows me.
"Pin!" I breath, " When did you do this? "
"I came and set it up this morning."
" It's perfect! " I turn around to face him and give him a sweet, passionate kiss, just like the one we shared when we became boyfriend and girlfriend. As we walk over to the picnic, I hold Pin's hand and squeeze it. He returns the pressure and we sit down to a wonderful picnic. We talk for hours and hours about everything, the big things and the little things. But what we don't talk about is him leaving so we don't get sad again. The sun begins to set so we ride back to Holloway. Once we reach the stables we find that everyone has gone home. I untack Raven and ride home with Pin on Elvis. When we reach my house Pin kisses me goodbye and then rides off towards his house. I see that it is 10 pm, so when I walk through the door I tiptoe up towards my room, careful to not wake anyone up. As soon as I touch my bed I fall asleep, thinking about how today was the perfect date.

Pin's POV

I wake up before the sun has even risen and start to get ready for my date with Zoe. I need to set it up early so that I can surprise her. I get dressed, eat a quick breakfast, and ride Elvis down to the beach. Once I get there I spread out a picnic blanket and set up the food. I plan to take Zoe to the beach and not tell her about the picnic so that she will be surprised when we get there. I really hope that she likes it. Then I ride Elvis to Holloway so that we will be there when Zoe arrives. I tie Elvis in the paddock and send a text to Zoe,

Pin: You ready for our date?
Zoe: I am leaving the house right now
When you get to Holloway, meet me in the paddock, and bring Raven
Okay, but what are we doing?
You'll see!
Okay, I'll see you there soon! I love you! 😘
Love you more! ❤

I start to pace, and wait nervously for Zoe to arrive. A little while later I see her go into Raven's stall, and when she comes out Mia goes up to her and they start arguing. Great, I think to myself, I hope that Mia doesn't ruin our date, it would be so like Mia to do that. Soon after I see Zoe coming towards me leading Raven. When she reaches me and I smile at her, she smiles back and I can't help myself thinking about how beautiful she looks.
"Are you ready?" I ask her
" Yes, but where are we going? "
"On a little ride to the beach." We mount the horses and begin the ride to the beach where the date is set up. We ride in silence for a little while, just enjoying each others company and the beautiful morning.
"I'm so glad we get to do this." I tell her.
" Me too, I wish I had told you how I felt sooner. " Zoe says. I am thinking the same thing, if only I had told her my true feelings sooner, we could have had months together. But now we only have one month together before I leave.
"Me too, but at least we have each other now." I tell her
"So, where do you plan to go on your travels?" She asks me. I respond a little hesitantly because I don't want to make her sad, especially on our date.
" Well, I plan to go to London, France, Rome, Greece, Vienna, and a few other places. " Even though I am sad to be leaving Zoe and my whole life behind to be able to travel, I can't help the smile on my face. I finally get to travel the world, something I have wanted to do all of my life, but have never had a enough money to do until now.
"How long are you going to be gone?" She asks.
"I don't know, I don't have an exact amount of time that I plan to be gone, but I hope to be back before next summer." I look at her and see that she looks sad. I don't want her to be sad, this is a happy day. I need to get her to stop thinking about it.
" Why don't we stop talking about it? This is a happy day, don't think about me leaving. " She nods and we start to talk about other things. I can tell that Zoe is cheering up a bit, and I am happy for that. When we reach the edge of the forest and the beach comes into view, Zoe sees the picnic that I set up for us and she gasps.
"Pin! When did you do this? " She asks. I can tell that she loves it.
"I came and set it up this morning." I tell her
" It's perfect! " She turns around to face me and we share a passionate kiss just like the one we shared when we became girlfriend and boyfriend. As we walk towards the picnic, Zoe grabs my hand and squeezes it and I squeeze back. We sit down and talk for hours about everything except me leaving, we only stop when the sun starts to set and we need to get back to Holloway. We mount the horses and make our way back. Once we reach the stables, we see that everyone else has gone home. Zoe tacks up Raven and puts him back into his stall. I take Zoe to her house on Elvis, and when we get there I kiss her goodnight. Then I ride back to my house, untack Elvis, and tiptoe up to my room where I fall asleep as soon as I touch my bed, thinking about how today was the perfect date.

Author's Note

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying my book so far! I can't believe how many people have read this, I only ever expected like 10 people to read it , but so far I have 31! What did you think about Zoe and Pin's first date? Please vote and comment on what you think of this so far and some ideas of what you think should happen next! Love you all! #Zin

- Olivia

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