Chapter 1

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Gaia had stood for millenias, she was one of the first beings brought into existance by her father chaos and had given birth to the first primordials and titans to walk the earth but as the centuries wore on she couldn't help but grow angry over the actions of her children and grandchildren. there was always some conflict going on above her as the children fought amongst themselves always wanting something more weither it was power or lust that drove them, Gaia pittied her daurghters as she saw the infedelity that the gods constantly partisipated in.

thou it was possible she felt the most for her eldest grandson Hades, the one god who had stayed faithful the longest while his supposed wife sought out the company of anyone that would take her as she enjoyed the perks of being the queen of the underworld. a position she complained about to any who would listen to her wowes as she recounted the 'horrors' she was being forced to endure when she was allowed back on the surface. Gaia was sickened by the behavior of Demeter's daughter and knew from many long talks with the goddess of the harvest that she was ashamed of her daughters actions over the last few centuries. 

Demeter had been angry with Hades at first when she realised he had kidnapped her daughter and taken the girl down into the underworld but after centuries of rage and hate she had been aproched by Eros and Aphrodite as the two could no longer take the guilt of what had happened all those years ago. Aphrodite had always felt sad for hades being the only one of the olympian council who had never fallen in love, even Artemis with her vow of chastity and hatred of men had found either a mortal or god that had tested her resolve. on one of the few days Hades was scheduled to leave the underworld for a meeting of the gods Aphrodite came up with the plan to have Eros follow Hades and once the god showed intrest in another her son was to shoot him with one of his arrows so Hades would take the chance to approach whoever it was that had caught the lord of the underworlds attention.

Eros had waited by the entrance of the underworld until Hades arrived and had followed him back up to mount olympus but that was when things went wrong, Eros had been startled by one of the minor dieties who had snuck up behind him. in his surprise Eros released the arrow he had readied in preporation for his mothers plan, the magic arrow struck Hades at the same time as the god had been introduced to Persephone making him beleive that he was madly in love with the young goddess. few on olympus knew of the reason behind Persephone's kidnapping and thou Aphrodite and her son felt horrible for trapping Hades in a loveless marrige Hera was actually very pleased and proud of her eldest brother for sticking to his vows for as long as he did even thou he knew what had happened, the queen of the gods was angrier with her neice who had been the first to cheat and was by far the worse offender with her multiple lovers.

Gaia knew that her marriage to her husband and son Ouranos had been full of its own problems but he had never tried to sleep with another and after the ordeal with her less perfect children and the battle with cronos her husband had been much calmer and more loving toward all of their children. Gaia had been devastated when they began to realise that Ouranos was losing power at an unexpected rate as the years went by and with zeus claiming to be the the new lord of the sky, Gaia almost hadn't been able to control her rage at her youngest grandchild and his arrogance in such a declaration while she was forced to watch as her mate fadded away. 

even the gods could succumb to deaths grasp if severly weakened or put into extreme emortional strain, Gaia had been able to feel it after Ouranos had passed on that she was going to beguin to fade as well thou she was fadding far slower than her passed lover. she knew that that her time would come and when it did the children she had left behind would tear each other apart trying to take over the scrapes of her domain and the power that she left behind, the world would be destroyed in their battles.

'anyone, please help me' a soft female voice whispered through Gaia's ears catching her attention, turning her sights to the small human woman she heard praying to anyone who that would answer in her time of need. listening carefully as the woman prayed for help in her desperate wish to conceive a child Gaia was struck by a brilliant idea, the woman wished for a child and Gaia wished for an heir to her domain so that the earth would not be torn apart by arrogant children hoping to use it as leverage against the others. gathering her power and concious Gaia focused on the area that the mortals called england where she felt the prayer comming from and brought the woman into her consciousness.

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