10. Okay, This is Getting Ridiculous.

Start from the beginning

"How about 'Tiny?'" Kade suggested, "That fits."

"But only temporarily." Heatwave informed, "He may wind up being not so tiny when he's full-grown."

"We're not doing 'Dinobutt.'" Boulder interjected as Blurr opened his mouth. "I know you better than you think..."

"Either way he looks much more active than when he hatched." Dani observed, "I guess that means he's gonna be okay."

"I'm just glad it's all over..." Blades murmured. "...Now I can finally relax, and just-"

He jumped as a loud noise came, and then extreme cold as a blast froze his right leg to the ground. "What the-"

He then looked where a pair of humans had a large weapon bolted down to a mobile platform and aimed at him.

"Let's just make this simple for all of us, aliens...! Hand it over..."

"...Oh for Slagging Spark's Sake-"

"We're only asking once, alien!"

"Evan and Miles..." Blades hissed, "How many prison escapes is this now? Four? You'll have him over my dead spark!"

The rescue bot gasped as they fired at him again, ducking down and wrapping himself around his son as the blast slammed into him. A solid wall of ice formed around them, trapping the bot in place.

"Blades!" Heatwave shouted as his teammate froze over, and then they all ducked for cover as the twins fired at them as well. "Blades, are you-"

We're okay! We're okay... Blades assured through the comms, the sparkling's squeaks coming through in the background. J-Just cold...

Heatwave gave a sigh of relief, and then turned back to their adversaries. "We need to take that freeze ray off their hands...!"

"I'm with you." Kade agreed. "But the question is how to do that without being frozen ourselves."

Heatwave overlooked the scene, and then saw Evan slipping away towards Blades. "Oh no you don't!" He fired water at the twin, knocking him back before ducking back behind his cover. The twins fired at the building, and Heatwave fired back. "Hey...That'll work."

"I want in on this." Boulder murmured, forming a snowball and flinging it at the twins. "Take that!"

"When did this become a snowball and water gun fight?" Dani asked into her comm. link as Blurr and Salvage looked at each other with grins of mischief.

"Just now..." Chief informed as Chase caught on and got some snow for his own projectile. "Rescue Bots...Fire at will!"

The Rescue Bots fired in intervals, some firing while others made new snowballs and then trading places. With the bots spread out all over the square, the twins were being bombarded with snow from all directions. Every time they'd try to fire at one of the bots, a massive pile of snow would come crashing down at them, taking out their aim.

In the midst of the super-sized snowball fight that had turned the firehouse yard into a battlefield, Servo took this as a good chance to run into the fray and start up another game: Keep-Away. He snatched the remote control from Miles with a growl and then took off running towards Boulder.

"Come back with that, Mutt!"

"Good boy, Servo!" Graham hissed as he took the control device from the dog's mouth.

Chief held up a hand, ceasing the onslaught of snow before walking towards the twins. "It's over, you two... You've lost."

"Hardly...!" Evan sneered as he tapped a button on his watch, and Graham gasped as the control panel began to fizzle and he dropped it to the ground.

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