Chapter 35: Next stop, Busan!

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Even if Jeong-in is much happier once again by your side. There is something that seems to bug him and made him depressed. Sometimes when no one notices, you see I.N gloomy when he's alone. He has obviously been thinking to himself but what is it about? With that thought in mind, you decide to make enough tea for two as you pour the liquid into the cups. From afar, you look to see if he's still sitting on the couch. You can't entirely see him until you notice his blonde hair. 

You had a slight smile as you carefully carry both of the cups to him. He didn't notice you until the aroma of the tea overwhelmed his smell then he looks to his left. He looks up at you with a big smile as he stood up and help you set the cups on the coasters resting on the table.
He looks back at you nonstop smiling, "you know what I need most," he picks up the cup and blows before taking a sip. 
You would be happy just by his smile but you can't help to feel concerned, "is something wrong?" He pauses as his bright smile falls into his scary rest face.
He nods as he sets the cup down, "I miss my home and family. My big brother is on his own, living his life. My younger brother is still attending school in Busan and my parents there far away from me." You understood now, he's homesick. 
It had struck curiosity within you, "what do you miss most of home? Uh, Busan?"
He looks to you with his twinkly eyes and a slight smile as he thought of some memories, "My mom's cooking. Um, when me and my brothers were younger...uh, she would make delicious home-cooked meals for us. We play outside as we wait for her." He specifically remembers the appetizing smell of the 불고기 (bulgogi *Korean BBQ Beef*) when she opens the back door to let them come inside.
He softly laughs as he spoke up again, "We had to take a shower and wash our hands before we eat. Our mom hates germs. Then we pray and ate together. Every time we heard the meat sizzling and watching her lay the side dishes on the big table, we rush to the table to see who gets to sit by mom or dad. I would always sit by mom to her left and uh,  the oldest sit by dad. The youngest would take turns sitting next to whoever he wants to sit next to." 

As you sat there calmly, not even bothering to drink the tea as it became cold, you were listening to him carefully. You enjoy hearing him talk about his past and of his family, you couldn't help but smile. You were glad he had a family who he loves dearly. 
"Did you want to see them? I know you might not be able to see your older brother but at least you could see your parents and younger brother."
He sighs, "I want to but I'm not sure if I can." 
"You won't know until you call them and talk to the manager about it."
He genuinely smiles, "you're right." He hugs you tightly for a second then held your hand as he looks at you intently, "would you like to meet my parents?" You were caught by surprise of his question. Should I really go? you wonder as you look at him confusingly.
"Is that a good idea?"
He nods, "it's time I tell them about you and what best way to do so than in person!" he says excitingly. 
You shrug, "I guess it won't hurt. But I have to talk with the doctor to see if it's okay to go in my condition. I did just recently left the hospital."
"Sounds good! Also, bring extra clothes," you were about to question him until he leans close to your ear and whispers, "so you can be yourself."
You gasp dramatically, "wouldn't that be risky? Don't you think they would ask why I came as this?" you gesture to what you look like now.
He held your hand, "then we will explain."
"Why do you want to do this?"
"I want to show them who," he pauses then looks down the hallway with a weird look as his eyes grew big then back at you, "my girlfriend is." Your eyes enlarge in shock as you stare into his sparkly eyes. 
"Are you serious?"
He shows a happy smile as he hugs you, "yeah. I am." 
You pause for a moment before hugging him back, "then you should get ready and change."
He lets go and stands up, "you're right! I'll be back," he quickly lefts. You look at his cup and notice it is nearly full. 
"Aren't you going to finish your tea?" you shout as he walks further down the hallway.
You can hear him from afar, "nope!"
You shrugged, "well more for me then," you slowly move it closer to your cup and continue to drink alone. 

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