Chapter Twenty Six [Being Honest]

ابدأ من البداية

"I love you" he said before handing me the phone and I looked at him weirdly not knowing if I should cut him or not.

"Mom it's me, I need to talk to you" Alijah sniffled on the phone and I stopped what I was doing walking out of the room I was in with Jade so he wouldn't be nosey.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you in pain? Why isn't Silas taking care of you?" I asked in a panic and she sniffled again taking a deep breath.

"Jesse and Rome slept together and I know I shouldn't care and you probably think I'm acting like a baby but I'm hurting mom, I feel betrayed I feel jealous and all I wanna do is cry. I sound stupid don't I?" She asked and I sighed.

"No you just like him a lot and I know that feeling. When I was pregnant with you I found out your father got another girl pregnant and I just wanted to lay and die but I didn't, I got myself together and acted mature about it until he came to his senses" I told her and she got quiet for a moment.

"Do you think I should confront Rome about it? Tell her how I feel about him?" She asked and I thought about it not really knowing what to say.

"I think you should wait for her to confess to you about it, don't just go and attack her she's going through a lot and she's just looking for love anywhere Alijah" I told her only to hear her sigh deeply on the other side of the phone.

"Alright, I gotta go mom I'll tell you how it goes. Love you" she said sadly.

"Love you too baby" I smiled before hanging up and glanced up as Jade smirked at me while he ate a cookie.

"Look at you being a good mommy" he smiled and I playfully pushed him and tried to go past but he grabbed my waist.

"Nope I went out and bought a pack of condoms since I'm not getting a vasectomy and you don't wanna be pregnant so you might as well take your ass upstairs" he said holding up a box of magnums and I looked at him before rolling my eyes and walking towards the stairs.

"Keep acting like that it's only gonna make it worse for you" he said lowly as he smacked my ass and followed behind me.

"Our kids are in the house Jade stop it" I mumbled as he pulled me by my waist.

"No there not, when you were on the phone I got Elias to go down to the basketball court with Mo and some security to play and Tristan's gone to his little girlfriend house" he shrugged kissing my neck and by the time we got to our bedroom the room was all decorated with rose pedals and a bottle of champagne.

"You did all this? Why?" I asked shocked as he began removing my clothing.

"Because I love you, why else? And even though I apologized already I wanted to say sorry for the whole Reina situation because you were suppose to be the only woman having my kids and instead I messed up but you took my son in like he was your own and show him a lot of love and I appreciate you so much for that" he smiled and I felt myself tearing up.

He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek and down to my neck before stopping and licking his lower lip.

"We'll get to that later, but I ran you a bubble bath so go soak and relax for a little bit so I can go get your surprise" he smirked before walking out of the room.

Leave it to Jade to make the day he kidnapped me into a romantic one, I'm so lucky to have my husband.


I'd just gotten off of the phone with my mom before looking over at Jesse and his busted lip and gash in his eyebrow that was leaking blood.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked as he walked in and sat on my bed. I ran into my bathroom grabbing a towel and handing it to him and he dabbed at the cuts.

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