Alexis: I'm happy to hear that it's only right you get a chance to get another title push before you wrap your career up!

Mickie: Oh trust me biscuit butt i still can get it done at 39; nothing has changed but the age.

Alexis: Don't call me Biscuit-Butt! Only Kau now has the right to call me that and he knows I'd put him on a no-makeout ban for three weeks.

Mickie: Sorry old habits die hard Bliss; come on we've got earn a check.

As the ladies left, Kai was sitting in catering with Adam(Braun) and Robert(Bobby) as he waited on his segment with Kurt and Baron Corbin which would happen later on in the show. Adam seemed to notice his new friend happy. Too happy.

Adam: Kai, you feeling alright kid?

Kai: Yeah yeah everything's fine dude why wouldn't I be big guy?

Adam: Because you've been staring into the void of space for a long time since Alexa and Mickie went on the monitor. Is there something you or her aren't telling me?

Kai: Define her.

Robert: Alexis dude everyone knows Mickie isn't the cheating type!

Kai: Come on Alexis is deadly attractive I don't think anyone is gonna blame me if I stare at her fine ass. But to answer your question no there's nothing between Alexis and I. I've only known her for a weeks and that'd be rushing things seeing as she just split from Buddy not too long ago.

Kai hated lying to people especially people who were your friend but could still toss you like a sack of potatoes with just the flick of his wrist. But while Adam had a monstrous and indestructible titan persona, he was a big old teddy bear off screen.

Adam: Dude you know I believe you, but if ya think there's something between you and Alexis then try pursuing it big fella.... just do me one solid; well two actually?

Kai looked at the Monster Among Men with a questioning look before relenting.

Kai: Sure big guy name them?

Adam(snickering): Don't put her in a wheelchair.


Adam: Sorry but the second thing was if y'all get hitched I want to be the best man!

Kai sighed

Kai: You're the worst Adam I legitimately swear but if Alexis and I ever tie the knot and that's a massive if... then fine I'll see that the power of the best man goes to you. Now I gotta go here come a Goddess and a future Hall of Famer.

He bumped fists with the Monster as he approached the gorilla where he saw Alexis and Mickie cooling off with some water after their Elimination Chamber qualifying match loss to Nia and Tamina.

Mickie: Oh here comes your man! Hey Kai.

Kai: What's up Mick? Hey you...

Kai nodded politely at Mickie before he and Lexi locked eyes with one another. Mickie sensed they were going to make out so she took off without warning.

Kai: Hey rough going out there; you feeling alright sweetheart?

Alexis smiled as she finished off the water bottle and looked at her boyfriend.

Alexis: I'm relatively okay just dealing with the nagging pain of being dropped off the top rope. I don't see how you're so comfortable risking your body jumping through the air like you do.

Kai smiled.

Kai: I do it for the fans but you're right I get away with some death-defying stunts about 45 percent of the time.

She giggled as she kissed his cheek. Soon the immortalized Hall of Famer Kurt Angle stopped by.

Kurt: Hey Alexis, Kai.

Alexis: Hello Kurt long time no see; how are Giovanna and the kids?

Kurt: They're splendid Bliss thanks for asking; Kai as you know I'm retiring from in-ring competition and Vince has given me the right to choose my opponent for my final match at Wrestlemania... and after a lot of thought I'm choosing you.

It hit the Limit-Breaker like a ton of weights.

Kai: Wow.... thank you Kurt for this opportunity; I'm deeply honored that you're giving me this opportunity Mr. Gold Medalist.

He stuck his hand out and the former WWE Champion shook it with respect.

Kurt: Listen now kid, I may be retiring from the ring, but I don't want you to take it easy on me; I can assure I'll bring everything I can in New Jersey... if you beat me while giving me everything you have then I can live with going out with a bang but also on my own terms.

Kai: I understand besides they don't call me Limit-Breaker for any reason; You'll see my best shot and then some.

Kurt: That's all I ask for; alright you two make sure you get out of here safe.

He left leaving the St. Louis native and former Black Belt martial artist dumbfounded; just when it seemed like Kai had no way in at WrestleMania, a golden opportunity to be catapulted into the main event scene was looking at him like a gifted horse. You better believe he was going to maximize this chance to its full potential.


The Goddess's Warrior (Alexa Bliss x OC)Where stories live. Discover now