Rumble Weekend

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After a brief detour in the Emerald City known as Seattle, Washington for the superstars of the Red Brand, WWE and NXT alike were converging on the Land of the Sun, the desert city known as Phoenix for not only NXT Takeover: Phoenix but the start of the Road to WrestleMania known as the Royal Rumble was a mere two days away. Having arrived through the Sky Harbor International airport in the desert were the Goddess Alexa Bliss and her new paramour she wasn't ready to use the label boyfriend yet that the media didn't know about... yet, that guy was Kai Destiny Butler known by the WWE Universe as Chase Destiny. They went to the baggage claim and once they grabbed Kai's three bags to her four bags they left and headed for the nearby hotel as Kai had put on the song "Last Time That I Checc'd" by one of his closest friends Ermias Asghedom who the world had known as Nipsey Hussle.

Alexis: I didn't know you listened to Nipsey Hussle he's one of my favorite rappers and I don't even listen to hip hop that much.

Kai: Listen? No my dear love, Nipsey are pretty close he's like my brother from another mother.

Alexis: How'd you two meet?

Kai: Well my mom knows his mom and dad and I met Nips at one of his concert when he came to St. Louis... he saw what I was doing for my community and in turn I always had been a fan and respected what he did for his community in Crenshaw and we sort of hit it off proposing ideas to benefit each other's hometown and the African American community as a whole.

Alexis: Awww I didn't know my guy was such an activist and philanthropist.

Kai: Like Patrick Star said, the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma Alexis.

Alexis: I legitimately don't have a response to that but I don't need one to figure you're a cornball, a very sexy and funny cornball but a cornball nonetheless Kai.

Kai: Aww I love you too my little veterinarian.

Alexis: Is that knock on the many pets I have?

Kai: More or less Alexis, you've got at least five pets not to mention a pig that's getting bigger and bigger each freaking week. I wouldn't be surprised if Larry-Steve tried squaring up on me one day.

Alexis giggled.

Alexis: Larry-Steve wouldn't hurt a fly; well maybe a play pen if he's trying to escape from prison but other than that he's the sweetest big thing imaginable. Then again he's a literal pig so there's no telling what he'd do to someone if they pissed him off.

Kai: Well here's hoping I'll be able to still eat bacon when he's not looking.

Alexis: I'll join you; being a vegan has its advantages but I can't give up the succulent taste of meat. At least he can deal with other meats being eaten but he will get angry if he sees us chewing any bacon.

Soon the lowkey couple pulled up at a hotel with valet parking. After checking into the hotel with their luggage having been taken to their room already, Alexis and Kai decided to relax and watch some Disney movies she had packed. Chewing and swallowing some popcorn Kai spoke up.

Kai: So babe?

Alexis: Yeah what's up T?

Kai: When you said you wanted to keep our relationship on the down low and pull and Andrade/Charlotte, what happens when a fan catches us and tries to claim we're dating.

Alexis: Just deny at all costs, because frankly I'm sick of fans always assuming just because when two WWE Superstars hang out, they're automatically fucking or they're a new couple... I hate her guts but sometimes can agree as to why Mercedes has a bad attitude when it comes to the fans... I get them wanting to live vicariously through us but not when they always speak on behalf of our personal lives. So again if we slip up, we slip but I want to reveal my relationship on my terms or your terms whoever media outlets reach out to first.

Kai: I can see where you're coming from; here's hoping those vultures stay put and focus on Ashley and Manuel... Oh who am I kidding she's my ex and I even don't want her and Andrade to suffer that fate.

Alexis rolled her eyes playfully.

Alexis: I've been meaning to ask, you dated Ash? How'd that even happen??

Kai: Well Ric was apparently a big fan of mine after seeing what I did in Ring of Honor and New Japan when I was a member of Bullet Club. I myself was looking to sharpen my gimmick and fine tune my submission game so I asked Ashley and Ric to train me and teach me new moves like a rear naked choke hold and Figure 8. Ash and I hit it off somewhat, we slept together and we dated a for year.

Alexis: So why'd you guys break up? Ash is one of my closest friends but like you said about Matt she probably did some ridiculous and reckless for you to end it.

Kai: No it was one of the age old reasons; long distance and the fact we just couldn't see each other as much as we wanted so we called it quits before we ruptured any potential friendship we had. Then a couple years later she's with El Idolo and I've got a Goddess so I'm guessing the good karma came for her and I.

Alexis: That's got to be the weirdest thing you've said but it's weirdly romantic so I'll let it slide.

She smirked as she kissed him and they quickly fell asleep.

Sunday had finally arrived and after a fiery Takeover event, Chase Field which was the primary home of the Arizona Diamondbacks had been transformed into a WWE outside spectacle as the Royal Rumble was a mere seven hours away. After finishing up a WWE now interview with Mike and Cathy, Kai was getting his gear on which appeared to be a tribute to his hometown St. Louis Cardinals jersey. He was stretching to keep himself limber for the fast approaching night when Alexis had walked up to him with all of her gear except her long spiked jacket.

Alexis: Your first Rumble; are you ready Kai?

Kai: Of course I am; I should be asking YOU that question... I mean this is your first pay-per-view since returning from the multiple concussions you've suffered.

Alexis: I'm ready; all that is behind, I'm a babyface now and after being told I'm not good enough to be in the ring, I'm ready to see what those 40-year old smarks and stay-at-home sons say when they get their long awaited Moment of Bliss...

Her seamstress then arrived with her spiked trench-coat which was now blood red type color from the original black she was accustomed to wearing. She thanked the seamstress on a job well done as she turned back to her beau's gear.

Alexis: Let me guess, St. Louis Cardinals?

Kai: St. Louis Cardinals... I'm guessing your Rumble is on first.

Alexis: Yep though I would've loved being apart of the main event last year, I was you know Raw Women's Champion; this is like hitting the reset button for me. What about you first Rumble as well babe?

Kai: First as part of the main roster but it's actually my second overall since I was a surprise entrant from NXT.

Alexis: Nice I can't wait to see you light it up tonight.

She then saw the Pay-Per-View opening package signaling that the Royal Rumble was beginning.

Alexis: Kiss for luck?

Kai smiled and kissed her lightly which then grew a bit more heated before the pint-sized beauty let him go to get prepared for the ever rapidly approaching Women's Royal Rumble. She would enter in at number 17 and lasting well over twenty minutes she'd meet the cold hard ground via elimination from one of her oldest rivals in Bayley. The match would ultimately be won by white hot babyface Becky Lynch. Speaking of the Men's Royal Rumble, Kai was penciled in at Number 5 to not only fuel the fans belief he could potentially win the main event but it was actually the start of a massive push on the Road to WrestleMania for a potential championship match. He would be apart of the final four with Seth Rollins, Andrade and Drew McIntyre and after El Idolo and Scottish Psychopath were eliminated Rollins and Destiny would put on a clinic which saw the two pull each over the top rope and an over-aggressive Limit-Breaker hot-shot the ring post as Rollins was enabled to deliver the ripcord knee and eliminate Chase Destiny. WrestleMania was with it bumpy spots and Kai found out the hard way, if you want WrestleMania you've gotta fight for the opportunity, it isn't just handed out to you.. You've got it to earn it


The Goddess's Warrior (Alexa Bliss x OC)Where stories live. Discover now