Temptation Beckons

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After driving for roughly an hour and ten minutes through the Emerald City of Seattle, Washington Alexis Kaufman and Kai Butler finally arrived at one of the famous landmarks The Space Needle. They got out of the Limit Breaker's car which had driven by the Goddess herself and took in the massive sight in front of them as people entered and exited through the observatory.

Alexis: It's even bigger in person and you've never been here or inside the Space Needle?

Kai: Nope I've been to a few Seahawks and Mariner games whenever I've come to Seattle but I put visiting and being inside the needle one of many bucket list wishes I have before my time on this Earth is over with.

Alexis: Given what I've seen out of you I'm going to regret asking, what else is on your bucket list?

The St. Louis would rub his chin trying to recall his full bucket list.

Kai: Let's see there's seeing a Broadway play, collect a championship banner from each of my favorite teams in professional sports, watch every single Simpsons episodes.

Alexis: That's not so bad.

Kai: Eat a Carolina Reaper and Ghost Pepper with my favorite dinner, go on Fear Factor.

Alexis: I retract my earlier statement with your spicy pepper revelation.

Kai: And go surfing in Australia and Hawaii.

Alexis giggles at his soft heart.

Alexis: And I re-retract my earlier statement with your surfing prophecy; you really are a guy of many talents aren't you?

Kai: I wouldn't say that Alexis. Am I insanely good in the squared circle? Yeah you've seen it yourself but many talents? Nah I'm just a fun loving guy that always tries to take advantage of having the best time of my life. That's exactly what I plan on doing with a beautiful woman like you.

Alexis hid her face from the obvious blushing she was doing after he handed her the beautiful compliment.

Alexis: You think I'm beautiful? Thank you Kai that means a lot to me.

Kai: I only speak the truth Alexis...

Alexis: Please we're off the clock you can call me Lexi.

Kai smiled warmly.

Kai: So long as you call me K or Kai-Kai we'll call it even then Lexi.

Alexis: Alright well shall we observe the stars and overlook the city?

Kai opened the door and let her in.

Kai: Come on Bliss ladies first.

They would enter in the colossal building and began the long descent upwards the building. It had gone under heavy renovations to fit in with society today, including new restaurants and a couple of telescopes because well of its obvious moniker. Kai and Alexis had pressed a button which led them a indoor steakhouse which had been bustling during the late night hours.

Alexis: Well I didn't have this in mind.

Kai: Neither did I.... but then again they do have lobster and shrimps.

Alexis: Fuck it I do need something to eat and it appears seafood is on the menu tonight.

Kai: Alright impromptu date it is come on.

Alexis: Actually this kinda has real date written all over it to me; just two friends having casual fun.

Trevion silently gulped and smiled.

Trevion: Okay then I promise this'll be the greatest date you've been on let's do it then; Yeah can I get a table for two with the lovely lady and myself?

The Goddess's Warrior (Alexa Bliss x OC)Where stories live. Discover now