Chapter 6

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( Nicki P.O.V )

Currently she is in a very important meeting with Hsn discussing how much her perfume onika will be sold for and when it will be released they are in the middle of the meeting

Nicki- so onika will be coming out on my birthday

Hsn- yes I think your fans would like that

Nicki- ok so what should the ...gco

(Her phone started ringing)

Nicki- I'm so sorry I have to take this I will be right back

Hsn- we understand

Nicki-thank you

(Nicki steps out and takes the call)

( phone call )

Nicki- hello

Ms.hops-(principal at the academy of California the kids high school)

Ms.hops- hello is this mrs.maraj

Nicki-yes it is how may I help you

Ms.hops- well it seems as your daughter diamond has got into a physical altercation with another student at lunch

Nicki- witch child and do I have to pick her up I'm at a meeting right now

Ms.hops- the altercation was between Ciara's child Alex and yes I am sorry but we have a zero - tolerance for fighting

Nicki- ok I will be there in 20 min and will Ciara be there

Ms.hops- yes she will see u in 20


(End of phone call)

(Nicki walks back into the meeting)

Nicki- I'm sorry I have to go pick up my daughter from school is there anyway we can reschedule this meeting

Hsn- it's ok things happen we can move to next week on Tuesday

Nicki- thank you so much for you corporation and understanding I promise I will make it worth your time when it is time for the product to launch

Hsn - your welcome

(Nicki walks out and goes to the Lamborghini she drove⛽️)

( Drake p.o.v )

Ok so I know I'm the bad guy why would I cheat when she put in 110% to keep this relationship well the way me and Rhi ended I didn't really know why we separated I don't know why she tripping we all have a past and she does to I ain't never said nothing about her and August but that another story for another day but I got closer from Rhi last night she said she never really loved me I was a rebound and she just wanted me for these diamonds around my neck so yea we did the nasty but it meant nothing now I have to go make it up to my baby so I rented out the staples center and I have flowers every where a 1000 pink teddy bears , monkey and etc and a dinner her favorite Popeyes chicken mac and cheese and mashed potatoes and red kool- aid and a candy buffet yea she gone love me agian she gone forget about everything ok that's it see yall later✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

( Nicki P.o.v)

So I just pulled up to this school and this girl just can't stay out trouble I'm going through to much I'm tired of dealing with this child she getting on my last nerve

Secretary- you must be mrs.maraj

Nicki- yes I am here for a meeting with ms.hops and can I also pull king and déjà out of school

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