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"What the hell happened in here?" Alucard walked through the threshold, his eyes going wide in disbelief.

"Sypha exploded the kitchen." Trevor brushed some mystery gunk off his shoulder.

"I did not explode the kitchen!" She retorted. "I exploded the oven." She added more quietly.

"What matters is that there was an explosion... and it was her fault." Trevor smiled.

"It was not my fault! It's this old oven!" Sypha motioned her arms towards the dilapidated oven, kicking a stray piece across the floor. They followed the shrapnel with their eyes before Alucard rushed over to a destroyed cabinet. He dropped to his knees and frantically opened it up before cursing under his breath; it was full of broken glass and burned blood.

"What's wrong, your twinkies get burned in Sypha's explosion?" Trevor laughed as his own joke as he was able to make fun of both of them at once.

"I'm out of blood." Alucard said quietly.

"The butcher said he'd be able to get some more in next week." Trevor nodded over at him.

"I- don't think I'll be able to wait that long. I'd been holding it off and saving up blood in that cabinet which was foolish but I didn't think it would-" Alucard stopped himself and regained his composure. "I may have to go out and kill something."

"Wait. If you have not eaten in weeks then you may not be strong enough to fight a wild animal." Sypha pointed out. "And you're not looking so well." She pointed out. Alucard was usually pale but this was pale even for him. His lips were a faded grey and his cheeks were colorless, his eyes were dull and tired looking rather than their usual wild striking gold.

"She's right about that, you're not looking too hot." Trevor looked him over with a nod.

"I appreciate your concern but I will be fine." As he said this he began to walk out of the room, he then stumbled, grabbing onto the charred counter for support.

"Okay." Trevor rushed over to him, holding him upright. "Here we go." He slowly began to walk him to a sitting chair in front of the fireplace.

"What if you have some of my blood?" Sypha offered with a worried look on her face.

"Sypha are you kidding me?"
"I could never."

Trevor and Alucard replied in unison but Sypha put her hand up to silence them as she began to speak again.

"You have said human blood is more filling and sustains you for longer, yes?" When Alucard went to open his mouth the first time Sypha gave him a look that made it clear this was a yes or no question only. Alucard sighed.


"And it would not kill me if you only took what you need for the week, yes?"


"Then it is settled, you will drink my blood."

"No he will not." Trevor immediately shook his head.

"Trevor, he needs blood." She motioned towards Alucard in his obviously debilitated state.


"So! I have blood and I am going to give it to him. Would you rather do it?" They went quiet after that.

"Fine." Trevor glared beginning to take his jacket off. When Sypha and Alucard both stared at him in disbelief he rolled his eyes. "I'm bigger than you so I have more blood, right? Means we're less likely to need a doctor after."

"Trevor, are you sure?" Sypha asked softly.
"Are you?" Alucard echoed quietly.

"Yeah like you said, he needs blood, I've got some." He shrugged trying not to seem freaked out. "So how do we do this?"

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