Stupid Idiots

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"Watch it, vampire." Trevor glared, only just nearly avoiding Alucard's sword that he suddenly unsheathed.

"I'm a dhampir, Belmont." Alucard replied monotonously. "and back up." He put his arm out to keep Trevor back and stabbed at the ground ahead of them causing a net to snap up from the ground into the air; there had been a trap. Alucard looked over his shoulder with a bored expression and Trevor looked away and grumbled something unintelligible before continuing on their path ahead. "Belmont-"

"What now?" Trevor rolled his eyes and turned around, now walking backwards. Then- snap! He reached out and and grabbed onto Alucard as he was whipped up in the air by yet another trap. Trevor had defeated demons, vampires, and beasts from hell- so of course he was taken down by a poacher's trap. He had grabbed onto Alucard just in time... to pull him into the trap as well. It was a singular noose-like rope tied around both of their ankles, hanging them upside down about 10 feet in the air.

"Belmont." Alucard now spoke through gritted teeth.

"Don't get your panties in a twist just pull out that long sword of yours and cut us down." Trevor said dismissively, refusing to accept responsibility for the situation.

"What a clever suggestion, if only I had thought of that. But wait there seems to be a problem with your plan. My sword is on the fucking ground." Alucard's eyes seemed to redden as he spoke and Trevor realized how close together they actually were and how close that vampire- that dhampir's teeth were to his neck. Eaten alive while tied to an angry dhampir was not the way he wanted to go out.

"Hold on I've got my short sword." Trevor tried to maneuver himself to grab his sword. He had to reach in between himself and Alucard to do so.

"Watch it, Belmont." Alucard spoke through a locked jaw once again.

"Piss off." He grunted getting a hold of the hilt of the sword. He pulled it out, making sure not to cut either of them but as he wiggled his way out he jostled around and dropped the sword. "Fuck." He whispered under his breath.

"Did you just drop the sword?" Alucard's eyes were closed but he knew the answer to that question.

"I've got a knife too." Trevor once again ignored the question and began to reach for his knife. Alucard grabbed his hand to stop him.

"I'll get the knife. I don't want you to drop it." Alucard went to reach for Trevor's belt and started patting around blindly for the knife.

"Easy there, try not to damage the merchandise."

"Please, as if I'd ever-" thunk

"Alucard." Trevor was biting his tongue and continued to speak when Alucard didn't reply. "Did you just drop the knife?" When Alucard didn't reply once again Trevor started squirming around.

"Would you hold still?" Alucard complained.

"Why? Do you have a plan? Because I'm pretty sure you just dropped my knife and we have no other way of getting down. Unless of course you plan on biting through the rope with those teeth of yours." Trevor was squirming throughout the entirety of his rant. Alucard narrowed his eyes hissed. Hissing wasn't actually a thing he did out of anger but it always seemed to put Trevor on edge. As Trevor tried to move away they swung a bit.

"Hold on I might have just thought of something." Alucard tried to get a better look at their surroundings. A branch near by caught his eye and he grabbed onto Trevor.

"Woah what are-"

"Shut up and hold onto me." He snapped. Trevor gave him a strange look but wrapped his arms around him nonetheless. "Now lean back and come forward." They started by squirming aimlessly but soon got into a rhythm and they were swinging.

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