She smirked and pretended to clutch her cheek as if it was in pain. He broke out into a grin and seemed to be chuckling to himself.

"Okay," Cassandra started but everyone continued to chat amongst themselves.

"Guys, can I have your attention?" Cassandra softly said but only half of the people stopped talking. She glanced over at Charlotte who pushed herself off the wall and began to walk over to Cassandra.

Charlotte began to clap her hands loudly, "Okay everyone, let's quieten down and listen, yeah?"

Most people began to be quiet but there were still a few that were staring at her while talking under their breaths.

"If none of you want to listen, then be my guest, but it won't be my fault when you're missing a leg." Charlotte shrugged nonchalantly, while smirking when everyone went dead silent.

"Wow she really just threatened us like that," Xavier sighed loudly, but he yelped when Valerie slapped his arm.

Charlotte snorted as Kyla suddenly gasped loudly. Charlotte snapped her eyes over to her as Kyla feigned shock. "Why is she gonna talk when she got her ass beat?" Kyla quoted in a dramatic way, making Miles snicker, as he seemed to know what was happening too.

"What now, Kyla?" Charlotte sighed, rubbing at her face.

Kyla shrugged, "Oh I don't know, I was just repeating what that guy behind me just said, but even louder for everyone to hear."

Charlotte glanced behind Kyla and saw a guy with blonde hair look down with red cheeks, since he got called out. Beside him was a familiar face. Charlotte recognized the guy. It was the guy she was fighting that night.

"That's nice," Charlotte snorted but then started to blink fast with her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh wait, Max?" Max was the one she fought. "I-Is that you? Holy fuck, what happened to your face? It looks like you got beat good man."

Max scowled at her as he tried to hide his beaten face. Kyla and Valerie didn't care and burst out laughing, while letting out whoops and 'oooo burn!' comments out. Xavier shook his head while trying to hide his smile, and he shushed the two girls who continued to be loud. Everyone else tried to hold back laughs as Clark smirked widely.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I suggest you don't talk when you look like you got your fucking face smashed in glass, and then ran over by a tractor. Anyway, everyone shut up and listen to Cassandra. I won't say it again."

Clark couldn't help it and snorted loudly, while Kyla and Valerie slapped his back with giggles leaving their mouths. Helena shook her head while lightly chuckling, "Jeez she's brutal,"

"That's your cousin you're calling brutal Helena," Miles chuckled, leaning over to mutter to her.

"Yeah, I know."

After Cassandra thanked Charlotte for silencing everyone, she began her talk about the plan of making a system to live in. Charlotte didn't bother to listen as she leaned against the pillar, watching everyone sharply. She was starting to pick out the ones that she needed to keep an eye on, and right now she picked out Harry and Campbell. She knew them long enough to know that they certainly did not like the plan, even if they didn't show it. She knew them.

"Adopting this new way of living doesn't mean we're giving up," Cassandra told everyone, "It means we're smart and prepared."

She took one final glance at her clipboard before closing it. "And that's the plan."

Charlotte nodded her head with a smile. Cassandra then suggested that they should vote.

"Okay, all in favour, please raise your hand."

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