The Truth

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Marinette stared down at the table, trying to find the right words as to not reveal her identity.

"The first day we met Lila, I saw her in the park after school. She had this weird book on like, superheroes or something. Then she pulled out a store bag and put on a necklace from it. It kind of looked like Rena Rouge's miraculous." Marinette looked at Alya as she said her alter-ego's name, as if trying to give Alya a hint that she knew her identity.

"I saw Adrien show up and Lila threw the book in the trash. That's when I stopped walking. I realized that the book was Gabriel Agreste's and so I decided to wait until they left so that I could get it back to him. Lila was saying something about Ladybug and then Ladybug herself, showed up and got mad at Lila. Apparently she had been lying this whole time. I don't trust her and you shouldn't either." Marinette finished.

"A good reporter always verifies her sources. Can you prove that Lila is not friends with Ladybug?"

"Okay, first of all, who is Ladybug? Second of all, Alya, did you verify that Lila is friends with Ladybug?" Having been silent the whole time, Peter's voice spooked them all.

Marinette shook her head and looked to Alya.

"Fine, you want proof she's lying? Hey Lila! You forgot your napkin!" Marinette balled up a napkin and threw it at Lila, who caught it quickly.

Marinette stared in disbelief, however her reason was not for the same as everyone else's.

The other kids in the class looked at Lila in annoyance. It was obvious she hadn't hurt her wrist. Lila realized this quickly and immediately cradled her hand in 'pain'.

"Ow! One time when I was in Atchu, I witnessed a dear friend get his eye poked out by a napkin and I couldn't let that happen to Max.." Lila winced again. 

Max took his glasses off and thanked her.

Peter rolled his eyes and spoke up when Mylene glared at Marinette with their mouth open, obviously about to say something.

"Max? Are you serious?" Peter sighed and walked away with Marinette's hand in his.

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