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Oh gosh! Nonononononononono! I'm late again! Ms. Bustier's gonna kill me! Marinette dashed through the door just Mr. Haprele was closing it. He shot her an angry glare but all she could say was 'sorry!'.

Marinette ran up the steps to her classroom, a feeling of relief washing over her as she realized that not only was the door to her classroom still open, but her classmates were loud and the teacher wasn't there yet. She slowed down and walked in panting, from all the running. She noticed that Nino was at her desk instead of his own and went straight up to him with a bored look on her face.

"Um, Nino? You're in my seat."

"Sorry dude, but we all switched seats."

Marinette looked up from Nino to see that everyone was in different spots, leaving the only empty one next to her crush.

"Alya!" she hissed.

"What?" Alya feigned innocence.

"Why would you put me next to Adrien?! I mean, I appreciate the gesture but-"

"Woah woah woah girl. Slow down. You aren't sitting next to Adrien." Alya interrupted.

"Yeah dude, the new girl is." Nino finished for her.

"What do you mean? Who's the new girl?" Marinette didn't know about any new students,

"Oh yeah! You weren't here when-" Nino's voice was cut off by Ms. Bustier's.

"Alright class, settle down! You remember Lila, don't you?" Ms. Bustier walked to the front of the room and gestured for the brunette girl to come in.

"Hi guys! I'm back from my trip in Atchu! I can't wait to catch up with you all!" Lila walked in. She noticed the empty seat next to Adrien and smiled.

"You all remembered my tinnitus and gave me a seat in the front! Thank you all!" Lila beamed.

Before Marinette could say something, Ms. Bustier's voice rang out.

"We have another new student! He's an exchange student from America! Come in Peter!" Ms. Bustier gestured for the boy to advance into the room.

A boy about Marinette's age awkwardly shuffled in. He tripped on Lila's foot and started to fall before Marinette rushed over and caught him. She was small, but strong, and she didn't want him to be embarrassed on his first day. She helped him stand upright then walked back to the aisle.

"Thanks! Er-" Peter looked at her as if asking a question.

"Marinette." Alya's voice cut in.

Ms. Bustier's quickly followed with an introduction.

"This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the Class Representative. She's your guide. Marinette will help you catch up on things you've missed and she will show you around the school." Ms. Bustier smiled.

A look of confusion flashed across Marinette's face, causing a look of horror on everyone else's as they realized that no one told Marinette. Peter laughed and broke the silence. Everyone looked towards him, confused.

"I'm guessing no one told you I existed?" Peter chuckled and held out his hand.

"I'm Peter Parker and the only thing cool about me is that I'm a reporter." Marinette looked him up and down before taking his hand and shaking it.

When they touched, it sent a wave of warmth and electricity through both of their bodies. Not the static kind though, and both of them realized this. Marinette and Peter released their hands immediately and both started blushing furiously. Marinette gestured for him to follow her to the back, without meeting his eyes. If the class hadn't been so obsessed with Lila, they might have actually noticed what just happened between the two teens.

"Ok so, that was awkward. But I still need help catching up so let's try this again." Peter took a deep breath and held out his hand.

"I'm Peter Parker and I'm from Queens, New York. I like wandering around in my free time, I have no idea why, I am actually an intern for Tony Stark and he paid for me to come here." Peter smiled.

"I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I love to bake, I'm a designer for Jagged Stone and he's kind of like my awesome uncle." Marinette returned the smile but was hesitant to take his hand again.

Marinette looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. Why was this making her so nervous?! All she has to do is take his hand and shake it. Marinette looked down, took another deep breath, and then shook his hand. The feeling came back but this time they didn't let go. The odd feeling lasted for a moment, then went away. Both of them exhaled and released their hands.

Marinette looked at the boy and opened her mouth to say something, before Ms. Bustier's voice interrupted.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng? Mr. Parker? Would you like to share something with the class?"

Marinette and Peter blushed and looked down. The rest of the day went on without any interruption.

The bell rang for lunch and a laughing blue-ette led a beaming Peter to the cafeteria. However, all happiness disappeared from the girl once she saw Lila using her classmates for free labor. Marinette scowled and led Peter away from the Italian girl. Alya and Nino noticed the very sudden change in her behavior and decided to follow her.

"Dude. What's up with the mood change? Do you not want to eat lunch or something?"

Alya kicked Nino under the table. He winced and looked up at her with a confused face. Alya sighed and turned to Marinette.

"Girl, why were you all mad when you saw Lila? What's wrong?"

"Do you really want me to tell you?"

"Yes girl. I want to know why you look mad whenever Lila's name is even mentioned."


942 words

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